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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Its not 'illegal' as it is in pubs as far as I know, but it is up to the hotel. A 'smoking' room would require more cleaning, as a non-smoker wouldn't be too impressed if it stunk of smoke the next day, plus, as above, the insurance may be higher with the added fire hazard.


I do think its more of a courtesy thing not to smoke, a bit like when the hospitals say the grounds are a 'smoke free zone'. They can't actually stop you from smoking outside, but would obviously prefer if you didn't.

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I wonder if this would be as enforceable as the parking fine/invoice bill?

I see these notices all over and do not for one minute believe it would cost that much to open the windows and spray some air freshener, after all, that's probably about as much extra cleaning it would get.


Most Hotels make you register a credit card, so they will take the money whether you agree or not.


I stay at the Suites in Knowsley and they have smoking rooms on the top floor.

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You should be considerate to future guests.


No one wants to rent a room smelling like your filthy cigarette smog.


Get some manners.


That's exactly what I did stupid.


Why do you want to know if it's legal to smoke in hotel rooms if you don't want to smoke in a hotel room?

Do you even read, let alone believe in, the things you type?

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