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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Are you an ex-smoker?


Even better, ex-ex-smoker :blush: I stopped for about 2 or 3 months once, then I started again. I just read that Alan Carr book, it worked for me & it was easy, was a non-smoker for those couple of months, but then I started again, partly because I know how easy it is for me to stop & I didn't really have a reason to stop. I just put that last cigarette out that he tells you to at the end of the book & it worked, I found out that I don't need cigarettes, nothing bad happened at all, I just didn't light another, for about 2 or 3 months.


The addiction is all in your head, you just need to be in the right state of mind & stopping smoking is easy. You can just not light another cigarette & nothing bad will happen. Hypnosis, Alan Carr, meditation & things like that can help to get you there, but nothing will make you stop. If you want to stop smoking it really is as easy as not lighting another one up, the only hard part is getting yourself to believe that.

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yeah, i know its all in my head, it's the one thing in my life i cannot control and i despise it. I am going to stop. As you say, what bad can come of it? Only good can. I almost wish they'd ban them.

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You can take control of it, it can be done. Maybe somebody will recommend a hynotherapist who helped them, but they cost a lot & they can't help everybody. The Alan Carr book worked well for me, for a while at least. They can't actually tie you down & force you not to smoke. Worrying about stopping is the problem, you're thinking it'll be much worse than it will be. You'll get a few cravings, use those to remember why you're stopping, they go away quickly & it's hardly noticeable if you're doing something else.

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why do you want to stop?


obviously, there are more than enough reasons why you SHOULD, but what is your personal motivation?


if you can tap into that, will that help provide some motivation, or even a substitute?


for example, my dad is an ex-smoker, has been for nearly 10 years and im incredibly proud of him for that.


HOWEVER, he has achieved his non-smoker badge by substituting cigarettes for nicotine replacements. he has not dealt with his nicotine addiction, nor even the habit aspect of his smoking.


dad uses an inhalator, chewing gum...and even patches on occassion too...he probably spends more on (and uses more!) nicotine products now than he ever did as a smoker.


but he is NOT a smoker...hes not the perceived social pariah he was, he doesnt smell (as bad! :P), he has better teeth....although its fair to say his fuse is just as short if the inhalator isnt nearby! :roll:


and i say all of this as a smoker myself. i have yet to find my motivation. i think it may be the financial aspect for me and am seriously considering replacing tobacco with electronic cigarettes for purely financial reasons rather than as an end to giving up.


but, the jury is out on how safe this option is....even though i know it cant be any worse for me than what im doing to myself at the mo...and thats still not enough incentive to even attempt to give up!


weak, yes, i think i am :(



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Reasons for giving up? God the list is endless! What really ****** me off about it is the mental slavery.

Its like i don't have a choice in the matter anymore. Its so horrendously bad for you too.

I think my main reason is a strong desire to get fit and lose weight though.

Smoking and getting fit are incompatible.

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If you really want to you can stop.

I kept saying to myself that if I had a smoke I would have wasted the past few hours, days, weeks efforts when I had gone without a cigarette.

My father stopped in his 80s after smoking all his life.

The biggest incentive is to visit someone suffering from COPD and visualise yourself in their position.

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I have tried just about everything, short of sowing my mouth up.


I have done champix, patches, accupunture, hypnotherapy, even wasted 200 quid on a allen carr clinic. I am still smoking!


Does anyone know of a a hypnotherapist that is tried and tested and will STOP ME FOR GOOD!:confused:


I have come to the conclusion that people smoke to get lung cancer because when they are diagnosed with it, they pack up, strange isn't it.:huh:

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I have come to the conclusion that people smoke to get lung cancer because when they are diagnosed with it, they pack up, strange isn't it.:huh:


You mean a goal achieved mentality, no point in carrying on once the medal is won :hihi:


I used to smoke and then one day I decided I no longer wanted to. I bought patches (once) and used only one of them The decision had already been made. What was useful was the motivation card that came with them at the time which i read everyday. It worked for me but like I said, I was sick of smoking.

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