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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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To bypassblade:


Ah, you must be young and haven't had to gasp for breath yet because of your smoking. Keep smoking--you'll get there, I promise!


Or maybe you'll end up with esophageal cancer--that's real cool, too, your skin turns black as coal and you can't breathe or eat, have to be bedridden and fed intravenously. . . betcha can't wait for it!


Or you could end up with a brain aneurism or stroke and be paralyzed and/or drooling and unable to speak. . .still going for cool, here?


As far as celebs or rock stars with fags looking cool? That's a matter of opinion. To me they just look stupid, like women in spike heels that can barely keep their balance and you know their feet are killing them. They think they look cool, but to me they look ridiculous.


Well, kid, rock on, as they say. . .(but I would take some time to re-think your priorities, if ya get my drift. . . )!

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To bypassblade:


Ah, you must be young and haven't had to gasp for breath yet because of your smoking. Keep smoking--you'll get there, I promise!


Or maybe you'll end up with esophageal cancer--that's real cool, too, your skin turns black as coal and you can't breathe or eat, have to be bedridden and fed intravenously. . . betcha can't wait for it!


Or you could end up with a brain aneurism or stroke and be paralyzed and/or drooling and unable to speak. . .still going for cool, here?


As far as celebs or rock stars with fags looking cool? That's a matter of opinion. To me they just look stupid, like women in spike heels that can barely keep their balance and you know their feet are killing them. They think they look cool, but to me they look ridiculous.


Well, kid, rock on, as they say. . .(but I would take some time to re-think your priorities, if ya get my drift. . . )!



I take it that response is aimed at me and not bypassblade?!


If so, you couldn't be further from the truth. I'm not going to tell you how old I am, but lets just say, I can remember watching James Dean on screen for the first time.


I've smoked 60 a day since I was 14 years old. I still feel fresh as a daisy. If smoking decided to take me tomorrow, I wouldn't care.

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I take it that response is aimed at me and not bypassblade?!


If so, you couldn't be further from the truth. I'm not going to tell you how old I am, but lets just say, I can remember watching James Dean on screen for the first time.


I've smoked 60 a day since I was 14 years old. I still feel fresh as a daisy. If smoking decided to take me tomorrow, I wouldn't care.


I bet you have the complexion of a dried prune and teeth as white as soot.

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I bet you have a face like a slapped back side with teeth like broken fence.


Now now...no need for a slanging match!


I have been readin a very interesting document all about smoking. It covers the industry itself, tobacco production, advertising and of course, health and social aspects.


I think what is the most alarming is some of the facts concerning health implications. I vaguely remember watching some videos at school in a biology lesson about the dangerous health affects of smoking. But let's face it, at 15/16/17 you feel pretty indestructible.


I took up smoking when I was about 15/16. Like most people, I never perceived it as an addiction back then, it just seemed to be something to do. The "cool" aspect of it never really existed...I think people were getting wise to the fact that it was distinctly uncool. By the way I am 31 now.


So here are some facts about nicotine from the article:


How deadly is nicotine? It’s nearly twice as deadly as black widow spider

venom (.5 mg/kg versus .9mg/kg) and at least three times deadlier than diamondback rattlesnake venom (.5mg/kg versus 1.89mg/kg).


Drop for drop, that makes nicotine as deadly as strychnine, which also has a minimum adult

LD50 of 30mg, and more deadly than arsenic (50mg),or cyanide (50mg).


(info courtesy of http://whyquit.com/FFN/chapters/FFN_01_Nicotine.pdf)


There is a great deal more information in the pdf. However I just couldn't get that fact out of my head. More deadly than arsenic and cyanide??? And I am putting this stuff in my body, day in day out? I mean, I am not fool, but this is just ludicrous! I know nicotine addiction is very powerful. It will fool you into thinking that's it's okay..just one fag...


To those who have contributed on the thread, saying you are happy to smoke and never have any intention of giving up - that's fair enough. However answer me this; if i approached you with a syringe containing arsenic and asked if it was okay to inject a little bit in you, say 20 times a day, what would your response be? OF COURSE NOT.


Once you understand smoking for what it really is, drug addiction in its purest form, you are then a slave. You do not willingly smoke. The addiction wills you to smoke. Smokers are not doing it voluntarily. They are doing it to keep nicotine levels at a certain level, so as to avoid withdrawal. Just like a heroin user.


Do not misinterpret me - I am not slating smokers. I have no grounds upon which to do so. It's just that most smokers, if they really thought about what they were doing - they wouldn't do it any more.

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Now now...no need for a slanging match!


I have been readin a very interesting document all about smoking. It covers the industry itself, tobacco production, advertising and of course, health and social aspects.


I think what is the most alarming is some of the facts concerning health implications. I vaguely remember watching some videos at school in a biology lesson about the dangerous health affects of smoking. But let's face it, at 15/16/17 you feel pretty indestructible.


I took up smoking when I was about 15/16. Like most people, I never perceived it as an addiction back then, it just seemed to be something to do. The "cool" aspect of it never really existed...I think people were getting wise to the fact that it was distinctly uncool. By the way I am 31 now.


So here are some facts about nicotine from the article:


How deadly is nicotine? It’s nearly twice as deadly as black widow spider

venom (.5 mg/kg versus .9mg/kg) and at least three times deadlier than diamondback rattlesnake venom (.5mg/kg versus 1.89mg/kg).


Drop for drop, that makes nicotine as deadly as strychnine, which also has a minimum adult

LD50 of 30mg, and more deadly than arsenic (50mg),or cyanide (50mg).


(info courtesy of http://whyquit.com/FFN/chapters/FFN_01_Nicotine.pdf)


There is a great deal more information in the pdf. However I just couldn't get that fact out of my head. More deadly than arsenic and cyanide??? And I am putting this stuff in my body, day in day out? I mean, I am not fool, but this is just ludicrous! I know nicotine addiction is very powerful. It will fool you into thinking that's it's okay..just one fag...


To those who have contributed on the thread, saying you are happy to smoke and never have any intention of giving up - that's fair enough. However answer me this; if i approached you with a syringe containing arsenic and asked if it was okay to inject a little bit in you, say 20 times a day, what would your response be? OF COURSE NOT.


Once you understand smoking for what it really is, drug addiction in its purest form, you are then a slave. You do not willingly smoke. The addiction wills you to smoke. Smokers are not doing it voluntarily. They are doing it to keep nicotine levels at a certain level, so as to avoid withdrawal. Just like a heroin user.


Do not misinterpret me - I am not slating smokers. I have no grounds upon which to do so. It's just that most smokers, if they really thought about what they were doing - they wouldn't do it any more.


Any chance you could look up a study on alcohol and pass us the results.


I bet, drop for drop, pure alcohol is pretty deadly too. It's not going to stop me drinking it though. None of the above is making me want to stop smoking either.

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Are you addicted to alcohol though? that's the difference here.


If I wanted to stop smoking, I could. Same goes for drinking. I don't want to stop doing either.


I don't care about the health risks. Bring it on.

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I take it that response is aimed at me and not bypassblade?!


If so, you couldn't be further from the truth. I'm not going to tell you how old I am, but lets just say, I can remember watching James Dean on screen for the first time.


I've smoked 60 a day since I was 14 years old. I still feel fresh as a daisy. If smoking decided to take me tomorrow, I wouldn't care.


It was different times back then- brainwashing people into smoking via film stars being paid to smoke on screen was rife.


So impressionable teens going to the flicks did see it as 'cool', and, those film stars were partly responsible for the hundreds of thousands who took up smoking and died as a result.


Then again, most of those films stars who pushed the drug got their karmic consequences when they also died slow horrible deaths from various smoking induced cancers.


That was then though, this is now; and, in this day and age when smoking is widely recognised as a drug habit, pure and simple, most people don't see smokers as 'cool'- they tend to see then as victims, or as fools.

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