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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Ah- so you do accept it happened? Previously you seemed to be saying it was some kind of conspiraxcy theory :)


There's nothing for me to get over, IMO, as the kind of blatent cigarette advertising and open payments to media stars to smoke on screen, has now been made illegal.


Plus of course, we now live in times where most of the thinking public see smokers, not as 'cool, but as drug addicts/victims/fools- so many film stars wouldn't be that interested in promoting it anyway.


If you mean, smoking companies paid directors to write cigarettes into their films, then no, I don't accept it happened. I don't think that British American Tobacco was the reason for smoking film stars. The brand of cigarettes they use may have been influenced, that's all though.

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I've never smoked at all never had a fag in my mouth never seen any rime or reason in it,all my mates smoked when I was a lad most of my family smoked as well, I just did not it wasn't a concious decision not to smoke I just never did,I used to sit and watch people sucking away on them and wonder what do they do that for, the stink of it would make me feel nauseous,smokers breaths are a disgusting smell when they talk to you and they always seem to have brown fingers and yellow teeth,I can tell a smoker by just looking at them they sort of have a smoked kipper look and smell about them dull hair and pallid skin,why anyone would want to do that to themselves beets me,it must be a very addictive habit very few of them can ever seem to be able to give it up even when they are faced with death they can not give up, I was picking my missus up from work at the hospital one day and stood at the car park entrance was this old bloke in his jim- jams and he was actually smoking through a hole in his throat he was stood there in the cold holding his morphine deliver in his hand what a pathetic site he made.

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Okay, it's goodies I need to address my comments to (sorry again, bypassblade, I made a mistake blasting you).


So, goodies, I just want to say, to your response that if smoking decided to take you tomorrow, you wouldn't care--unfortunately, death caused by smoking is rarely quick, unless you have a fatal heart attack. And they are still painful, even though death may be quick. More likely, it would be a slow and agonizingly painful death.


That you want to keep smoking and drinking is your prerogative; you have the right to do so, but you're kidding yourself if you think you won't someday regret it. Me mum died from emphysema due to heavy smoking, and the last 6 months of her life, she was totally bedridden, couldn't talk at all or breathe very well and she suffered terribly. She also lost an eye and was nearly blind in the other eye, due to the damage caused by smoking.


But let me ask you this--being as heavy a smoker as you say you are--are you not coughing sometimes? Wheezing and finding it hard to catch your breath when you exert yourself? If you say you are not, I'm afraid I would find it hard to believe you.


Good luck.

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Okay, it's goodies I need to address my comments to (sorry again, bypassblade, I made a mistake blasting you).


So, goodies, I just want to say, to your response that if smoking decided to take you tomorrow, you wouldn't care--unfortunately, death caused by smoking is rarely quick, unless you have a fatal heart attack. And they are still painful, even though death may be quick. More likely, it would be a slow and agonizingly painful death.


That you want to keep smoking and drinking is your prerogative; you have the right to do so, but you're kidding yourself if you think you won't someday regret it. Me mum died from emphysema due to heavy smoking, and the last 6 months of her life, she was totally bedridden, couldn't talk at all or breathe very well and she suffered terribly. She also lost an eye and was nearly blind in the other eye, due to the damage caused by smoking.


But let me ask you this--being as heavy a smoker as you say you are--are you not coughing sometimes? Wheezing and finding it hard to catch your breath when you exert yourself? If you say you are not, I'm afraid I would find it hard to believe you.


Good luck.


I know what smoking does to some people. I don't want it to happen to me,no. But, uf it does, ut does. I've had a good innings.


I never said I was a heavy smoker. I smoke less than 10 a day and I don't cough or wheeze or get shortness of breath.


There are many things in life that can cause long, slow and painful deaths. Believe it or not, sometimes these deaths happen to none smokers too.


I like smoking, I'll continue to do it until it takes my life,or I die from something else first.

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Smoking took both my parents and my father in law and we are at this moment caring for my mother in law with lung cancer.


It's not easy for us to see the people we love die and it is a horrible painful death. As said before, all stopped smoking when they were told they couldn't be helped.


I am very surprised to see that 90% of lung cancer patients are smokers. Also, that pre 1930 lung cancer was quite rare due to only the rich being able to afford them.

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The trick with trolling is remembering what you've said before


I take it that response is aimed at me and not bypassblade?!


If so, you couldn't be further from the truth. I'm not going to tell you how old I am, but lets just say, I can remember watching James Dean on screen for the first time.


I've smoked 60 a day since I was 14 years old. I still feel fresh as a daisy. If smoking decided to take me tomorrow, I wouldn't care.


I know what smoking does to some people. I don't want it to happen to me,no. But, uf it does, ut does. I've had a good innings.


I never said I was a heavy smoker. I smoke less than 10 a day and I don't cough or wheeze or get shortness of breath.


There are many things in life that can cause long, slow and painful deaths. Believe it or not, sometimes these deaths happen to none smokers too.


I like smoking, I'll continue to do it until it takes my life,or I die from something else first.

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The trick with trolling is remembering what you've said before



Mmmmmm ......why lie? He states that he has no health issues. This is the sheer genius of cancer, it lurks silently beavering away and then it gets you.


Four members of my family have said when it's my time it's my time but nothing prepares you for the devasting words....

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I've read many of your posts. You're a right annoying little git. It doesn't matter uf I smoke a million fags a day. At least I'm not you.


Smoke, don't smoke, get ill, stay well, do what you want. Smoke as much as you want. It's your body a d you can do what you want with it. You're not harming anyone else in the process. If you need treatment, you've more than contributed enough in tax to pay for it, especially if you smoke 60 a day.


By the way, SnailyBoy, spot on! Ha!

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