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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hi everyone I'm back ... not sure if any of you remember me but just over a year ago I tried to quit with a really good incentive, but unfortunatley have been off and on with the ciggies ever since, and for the last 5 months have been smoking about 30 a day without a break, I feel terrible both physically and mentally ... I am now on day 4 of champix, I haven't told any of my nearest and dearest probably because they will all say here we go again ( any of you that do remember me might recall that I have been trying to quit ever since I started which is about 32 years ago !) anyway, hubby is due home from work for two weeks on Wednesday which will be day 10 of the pills and we have a very hectic social time ahead, he will be home for 2 weeks so I'm not sure whether to quit on day 8 giving me a couple of days free of smoking before he gets back or whether to wait until he goes back to work, by which time I will have been on the pills for over 3 weeks which seems like a long time to be smoking and taking the pills (by the way hubby smokes for Australia so it does make it hard to quit ! ) any advice on this would be appreciated ...


Also I would just like to say thankyou to all the oldies that keep on posting here, you are all inspirational, without knowing it you may have saved someone's life ... keep up the good work ...


well, here we go again, wish me luck ...


Sue x


P.S wonder how long it will take for my nearest and dearest to notice that I'm not smoking again ... will let you all know :)


yes, i remember you, some good stories if i remember correctly! well i stopped 12/11/10. if i can do it so can you.:|

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I am new to this forum and joined because I noticed a large number of posts on stopping smoking. I may need help! I have smoked around 20 a day for almost 40 years. I did stop once for 18 months, about 25 years ago, then started again. I havn`t been able to stop since. However I have started on Champix today, took my 1st tablet this morning. For the last 3 days I had only been having one or two cigarettes a day but it was getting tough. Having the Champix this morning did ease the craving and when I did crave for a cigarette it wore off quicker. I have had half a cigarette today (up until now!) Fortunately no side effects from the tablets yet, so fingers crossed things will remain this way. I will try and post each day in the stop smoking forum as it may help other people or other people may need to help me.

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I am new to this forum and joined because I noticed a large number of posts on stopping smoking. I may need help! I have smoked around 20 a day for almost 40 years. I did stop once for 18 months, about 25 years ago, then started again. I havn`t been able to stop since. However I have started on Champix today, took my 1st tablet this morning. For the last 3 days I had only been having one or two cigarettes a day but it was getting tough. Having the Champix this morning did ease the craving and when I did crave for a cigarette it wore off quicker. I have had half a cigarette today (up until now!) Fortunately no side effects from the tablets yet, so fingers crossed things will remain this way. I will try and post each day in the stop smoking forum as it may help other people or other people may need to help me.


Your history sounds much like my own except I moved onto small cigars for last 10years of my smoking but I still smoked lots of them! For me Champix worked - it still wasn't easy but I did it! Champix despite some adverse comments for some was a wonder drug for me and I recommend any smoker should try to quit with it. Doesn't suit everyone but if you persevere - it can allow you to achieve a cig free life. I still miss cigs/ cigars but in a different way, I don't need them now.


You will find alot of expirience on back pages of this thread as it was originally just Champix based before these non-smoking threads were merged. When you need support just look at others expiriences all is detailed here in the archives..


Best wishes to all those currently on that path to a nicotine free life..

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Your history sounds much like my own except I moved onto small cigars for last 10years of my smoking but I still smoked lots of them! For me Champix worked - it still wasn't easy but I did it! Champix despite some adverse comments for some was a wonder drug for me and I recommend any smoker should try to quit with it. Doesn't suit everyone but if you persevere - it can allow you to achieve a cig free life. I still miss cigs/ cigars but in a different way, I don't need them now.


You will find alot of expirience on back pages of this thread as it was originally just Champix based before these non-smoking threads were merged. When you need support just look at others expiriences all is detailed here in the archives..


Best wishes to all those currently on that path to a nicotine free life..


Thank you for your reply. I am now on my 5th day of Champix and havn`t had a cigarette. In fact I have felt the health benefits so much I know I will never have another, even though the craving does get bad at times. I just hope it doesn`t take too long for the cravings not to come as often!

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Thank you for your reply. I am now on my 5th day of Champix and havn`t had a cigarette. In fact I have felt the health benefits so much I know I will never have another, even though the craving does get bad at times. I just hope it doesn`t take too long for the cravings not to come as often!


Yes it seems a little quiet on the forum these days, maybe Champix is no-longer something new but an established drug now. From memory it took me about 6 days of reduced smoking but taking Champix before I realised I nolonger had the same hourly craving to smoke - it gradually reduced then at day7 I stopped completely and I've not had one since!

I know I couldn't have done it without Champix but it still isn't easy - one of most difficult things I have had to do. Stopping leaves a void and you just feel something is 'missing' in your life. Some days I still do even after 2 years but it has almost gone. Never underestimate what a powerful drug Nicotine is, it will catch you out if you let it. Just when you think you have overcome it.


When it gets bad just suck a sweet or something (I use/used Fishermen's Friends for a 'hit' if it got bad - still have them but for different reasons) If you can get through the moment it will normally pass. Just take 'one day at a time' don't think of forever just not smoking this hour first then not for today. Each day it does get marginally better...)


Worry about any weight gain when you have fully quit but if your pro-active maybe join a gym now!:)

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Yes it seems a little quiet on the forum these days, maybe Champix is no-longer something new but an established drug now. From memory it took me about 6 days of reduced smoking but taking Champix before I realised I nolonger had the same hourly craving to smoke - it gradually reduced then at day7 I stopped completely and I've not had one since!

I know I couldn't have done it without Champix but it still isn't easy - one of most difficult things I have had to do. Stopping leaves a void and you just feel something is 'missing' in your life. Some days I still do even after 2 years but it has almost gone. Never underestimate what a powerful drug Nicotine is, it will catch you out if you let it. Just when you think you have overcome it.


When it gets bad just suck a sweet or something (I use/used Fishermen's Friends for a 'hit' if it got bad - still have them but for different reasons) If you can get through the moment it will normally pass. Just take 'one day at a time' don't think of forever just not smoking this hour first then not for today. Each day it does get marginally better...)


Worry about any weight gain when you have fully quit but if your pro-active maybe join a gym now!:)


Thank you for the encouragement. I am only on day 5 with the Champix and without a cigarette so must expect the cravings. I suppose I have done it a topsy turvy way around, as for the previous 3 days before starting Champix I cut down from 15-20 a day to one a day, then stopped on the day I started with the Champix. Whereas the normal way to do it is to carry on smoking while taking the Champix for the first seven days at least.

I am quite active as I have horses. I found that walking up the steep incline of the fields they are in left me panting for breath and feeling generally very unfit. Even after not smoking for such a short time I can now walk up those steep fields and barely be out of breath now. I have also bought myself a bicycle to help me with the fitness plan, so I know however hard the cravings get I won`t give in to them as I have too much to lose. It just helps though hearing other peoples stories and any hints and tips to make things easier, so thank you for your replies.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi,many years ago in a lot of public houses they had seperate rooms,for example one best room where it cost a penny a pint more to have the best decor,seating etc,one room for alcohol shorts,and one room for smokers with ventilation fans to extract the smoke so it didn't filter back into the serving bar,i know the open plan layout stops people from passing drugs around etc but shurly this seperate room system could be monitered by cct tv......i am in agreement that no one should be subjected to breath in second hand smoke but having to go outside in the winter to smoke does deter trade and eventually will have an adverse effect on the pubs takings leading as we have seen to them closing down all over the country,also putting the price of beer etc up has also compacted this decline of closure....just thought i would comment and am not disputing anyone elses ideas or comments..

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The cost of service



average UK salary £25000

working days per year 230 (standard year minus weekends and holidays)

salary per day = 25000 / 230 = £110 (approx)


Cost per hour (assume 8 hour day) 110 / 8 = £13.75


if you only paid the minimum wage then its £6.00 (approx) per hour


Add on to this business rates, tax, insurance, and other overheads

and you can quite easily have a cost of £20 to £30 per hour per employee


The above figures can be manipulated to suit a particular situation

but I'm sure you understand the general priciple


So whatever job you do, your weekly wage or yearly salary has to be funded by

someone or the business goes bust, that's the capalist system.


Everyone who works in the public sector is essenially funded by the private sector

through the taxation system


State benefits and state pensions are essenially funded by the private sector


Private sector pensions are funded by the private sector



So if your favourite restaurant is paying all the proper wages/ salaries/ and overheads

and delivering a reasonable quality of service then there's nothing to complain about,

on the other hand if your favourite restaurant has staff who are not well turned-out,

cannot speak English then HMRC should be informed.





You should also rememeber 20% of the bill in your favourite restaurant is VAT

As above but what about the taxi fare to morrisons?

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Did anyone stop using buses, trains and planes when smoking was banned?

Did anyone hand in their notice when smoking in offices was banned?


Think about it, the reasons that pubs are empty and closing are many, mostly greed, more outside choices for the punter and the demonisation of youngsters.

See my book death of the regular, which disects the subject.





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