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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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This is exactly the same as in any tourist destination I've ever visited, the prices of everything are higher.


Not true. The Canary Islands have always been cheap places to visit. Really cheape booze and even cheaper cigarettes.


This country takes thi mickey when it comes to added tax.

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Not true. The Canary Islands have always been cheap places to visit. Really cheape booze and even cheaper cigarettes.


This country takes thi mickey when it comes to added tax.


Presumably because (as you suggest) of low tax.


No doubt though they are charging tourists more than the local equivalent price.

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Right please read this before you jump on me, the easiest thing in the world to do, is to stop smoking. Now read the bold below.


The hardest thing to do is to stay stopped


I will be 7 years in November since I stopped I had no patches or anything, I was told the patches could enduce another heart attack, so had to do it on willpower.


The main thing that helped me to stop was I came within one week of dying, quite a wake up call. It is not easy to give up, I was between 20 & 40 a day. I decided my life was a better option, don't get me wrong there were times I might fancy one for a split second, but that's all it is. My wife still smokes but I have no desire to do so, I want to live.




Some may remember me from a year ago and before... but I can relate a little to the above. I was bedridden back in March with a form of pneumonia and I couldnt have smoked a cigarette if I wanted to. 2 weeks in bed and 2 weeks recovery meant a month without a cigarette. Now 5 months without one. Its not cold turkey by any means but it gave me the impetus after 30 odd years of smoking 20 a day. There are moments but they are very brief and I kill the thoughts very quickly. I was on champix last year and the year before and I went several months without a fag but couldnt quite cross the line ! I did suffer side effects for sure but 4 months last year was my best record and now I feel I have truly cracked it now. So in a few weeks time I will have reached my first milestone (6 months) and then onto the next. I am in my late 50's so I hope I have given myself a chance to live well into my pension age. Time will tell. So yes everyone... its tough to beat but how many positives to quitting do you need. I can still have a great pint of beer in the evening :) Now all I have to do is cut down on the chocolate eclairs ! (down to 10 a day now !). My thoughts are with you all o.k. And... keep the faith ! Get through the first day.. then get through the first week.. then the first month.. all about setting your goals folks...

Best Wishes - John in Gloucester

p.s. I should add that I don't really 'pub it' or 'socialise' in the way I used to - perhaps the thought of having one two many beers might have me stretching for a fag ! But my wife sees a lot more of me now so she is very happy and I have plenty of hobbies and interests. Heck.. panic...I've just run out of eclairs !

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tbh 20-40 a day is rediculous. i smoke probably 5-8 a day, and roll ups at that. i dont intend to give up ever. until i started smoking at 21 i felt forever odd and nervous.

started smoking normal fags at 21, but theyre just too expencive. started smoking golden verginia 3 years ago.... now i hate pre-rolled fags.

i dont intend to try and live forever. if smoking ensures im never going to end up in a nursing home losing my mind and becoming a burden on my children then thats a bonus in my mind.

my grandad is 92 and a burden on my dad. he should have died 5/10 years ago and allowed my dad to enjoyed his retirement insted he has to drive 130 miles a week to look after him during the week. he hates it and moans about it/him all the time.

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Time for another update ...


Now 4.5 years since I stopped.


I'm probably seeing the first real health benefits. I've improved my diet and lost 11kg with a target of losing 1kg per month. The weight loss has improved various problems I had including blood pressure, reflux, sleep apnea etc. I was about 85kg before I stopped, peaked at 109kg and am now 98kg; I'd be happy to get back to 85kg. I have more energy and am starting to feel generally fitter.


Having not touched a cigarette until now, I slightly slipped on the smoking front recently. I lit a friends cigarette a few times - they went to the phone - and I finished the cigarette before they came back. I can report that my body still finds nicotine and smoking as wonderful as before ! It would be very easy to start again. Fortunately I now have few friends who smoke and I don't see them very often.


I see smoking a whole cigarette last month, and not restarting, as a significant psychological victory, but I don't intend to risk it regularly.



Edited by mpprh
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Hi all


I'm on Champix and have a query.


I'm on my 11th day of not smoking and stopped on day 8 of starting Champix. I'm really pleased with myself and happy that I don't stink any more.


But, how come I think about fags most of the day? I know I don't really want to smoke but when does the 'I want a fag' thoughts diminish please? And, when there is a smoker on the street in front of me when will I stop wanting to smell his/her neck! :loopy:


Help! :help:


Thought I'd have a look at my first post about stopping the fags. Well ... on Sunday this week I'll have gone a whole year!


As an update, I could still smell someone's neck when they are smoking :help: but I don't think about smoking myself very much these days. It usually rushes over for an instant, usually when I have down time, but the thought goes away just as quickly.


My health is much better, but my weight! Oooer. I think this is because I'm drinking more alcohol than before :roll: or it could be because I'm getting old and feeling a bit of middle aged spread.


Keep the faith people. I'm sooooooooooo happy I don't smoke anymore. It's like a habit you don't need if you know what I mean.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all, I can't remember the last time I came on here, but still seeing names I recognise which is great. I gave up with Champix and lasted 6 months but couldn't get the cigarettes out of my mind and ended up back on them. Once back on I realised that I didn't want to smoke and gave up again with Champix in May 2010 and found it much easier 2nd time around. I can emphasize with all your comments but for me I never think about cigarettes anymore and a year ago I took up running and now run up to 3 times a week and have done a 5K and 10K which I could never have done while smoking. My latest achievement is that I've been dating a smoker for a week and have absolutely no interest in smoking, even while standing next to him while he smokes. I think I've cracked it!! Good luck everyone, it does get easier and is so worth it.

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