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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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I'm on week 4 of Champix and so far i've manage to go from 20 plus a day to just having one cig on a saturday and sunday so not quite there yet! But for the past week or so everytime i have a cup of tea it makes me sick! Did anybody else have any side effects like this on the Champix?

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Sorry to drag this old thread up but does anybody know of a good Hypnotherapist to help quit smoking?


Obviously, names/numbers required.




Hi Kurgan (love your name BTW, Highlander is one of my favourite films ever!)


I was wondering how you go on looking into quitting smoking through hypnotherapy. Sorry I didn't get in touch sooner but I only just noticed your post.

I would obviously recommend myself if you wanted to stop smoking but I am biased! I do have a guide available to download on my website though that is called "10 Things You MUST know Before Getting Hypnotherapy" and it is designed to help you find a reputable hypnotherapist. It is full of tips and ideas of what to look for and what to ask of whoever you are considering working with.

If you did find a hypnotherapist how did it go?

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Hey there peeps,


I just joined this thread and totally by accident. I was trying to find out whether I can take Champix while on Seroxat and stumbled on some pretty interesting chats on your thread.


First off, let me introduce myself. I am an American living in Greece for the past 15 years. I am a smoker and I used to be a heavy drinker. Depression is my middle name. It wouldn't be wise for me to stay off of them, not just yet anyway. I do drink on a daily basis, but no hard liquor, a glass of wine or two.


Since some of you old members here, are the most qualified on this issue, please advise me whether I can take Champix while on Seroxat.


I do appreciate any kind of advice, suggestions..


Thank you guys.

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Minna - in UK we can only get Champix on prescription due to the fact it is a seriously heavy duty drug than can mess with your brain. You've only got to read the side effects suffered by some on here to understand that.

Not only would I not reccomend taking Chamoix with any other drug (I've no idea what Seroxat is/does tbh), I wouldn't take it without medical advice.

Just my opinion of course - others may disagree.

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Smoking like drinking to much is self inflicted and both are easy to stop


i smoked but only at weekends for say 2 yrs approx on way to pub id buy 20 cigarettes


and smoke the lot and then buy more, this was back in the 80s


I then decided i didnt really like the smell of smoke, and didnt enjoy smoking


and then stopped no probs, was offered in the pubs the odd cig but always declined


saying i stopped, and have not touched one since the late 80s


As for drinking and alcohol i always blamed my culture in such

and would always get drunk at wkends as would like the many binge drink

both spirits and beer and always drank a fair bit at wkends when out


Now recent times ive stayed in and not really a drinker in the house

i did buy 24 cans of beer other week, as an offer was on at the store

i shop at, and have only drank 2 cans over the whole wkend while in the house


Drinking is a slow killer and ive seen a number of young men die through such

and another has Cirrhosis of the liver as i type and he wont get over that

that i do know, and only in his 40s


to any younger guys than myself on this forum drink is ok i feel if done in moderation

but try to stay away from spirits, as i think theyre worse for your insides


As for the topic smoking and patches and such well i feel you can stop

only if you want too, and there are no excuses its easy -- Just --> "STOP"

Edited by larky
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Hi all great to see this thread still going and Jabber grats on tying the knot ....well done!!!

This is my advise when I started champix was last resort for me never did I think it would work, so just pop the little suckers and let them do their work just stick to the program .... and never give up on giving up all


Love and light


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the Electric Sky Cig is a very good replacement. it still Delivers the nicotine, and your still smoking but with NO NASTY STUFF inside. Nicotine is not dangerous at all. just addictive


been on it for 1 month now and just not interested in a proper cig at all.

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