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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all


I have been on Champix now for 13 days and intend today to be my first without a cig. I have had the equivalent of on cig the last 3 days and didn't really want them anyway.


So I have been suffering horrid side effects. I daren't drive most of the time as I feel like a total space cadet, I keep just falling asleep, I can't eat anything - I seem to have developed an aversion to most tastes, my aniety has returned this weekend, I am sweating really badly, I don't feel like myself at all and like I am iin a bubble and the worst is probably I can't stomach coffee any more *SOB* There are more symptoms too like belching like a warthog!!!!


Anyway I mentioned this on my Facebook and was given the like to this thread by Jabberwocky. I met him at his brother in laws wedding a couple of months ago (I am just coming to the end of the therapy!! :hihi: ). I am only up to page 40 lol but it has been so good to read that others gave felt the same ................ it has also kept me occupied and helped with the occasional craving I get.


Just wanted to say hi really, thanks to all who have posted as you have really helped so far. I will try and post how I am (even though I am day 13 now) as I know how much reading has helped me so I hope it helps others.

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I went cold turkey almost three years ago. After two weeks I realised that I would never smoke again. Today, it never even crosses my mind to smoke and has not done so for over two and a half years. I feel sorry for smokers now , though not judgemental.

The craving went completely for me after just a few weeks. It was much easier to stop that I thought, but then, I had made my mind up to stop...So stick at it!


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Ive been 14 months without a fag. I am a non smoker,I just could'nt be bothered with all the faffing about involved ie,trying to hide the smell,standing outside everywhere,convincing myself that I need the next fag within 20 mins or else!, Or else what?.

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