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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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*Controls the urge to race around the room, screaming with my jumper over my head at the memory of meeting ..............* Oh Hi Jabber :D


So day 14 on Champix hasn't been as bad as yesterday! I can now say I haven't had a cig for over 2 days WOOP!

I didn't sleep til gone 5am but I am an insomniac anyway so that is nowt new for me. Coped ok on 3 hrs sleep. Went for my first appointment since starting and as I thought the nurse wanted me off them. I begged her not to take my magic pills away and told her what I had read on here about the lower dosage. Thankfully she agreed but now wants to see me every week and I am to ring for an emergency appointment if I feel I am losing the plot! I think she sees me turning into a fruitloop. Well more of a fruitloop!


So I am now on 0.5 twice a day. The funny thing is that I haven't felt too spacey etc today anyway so maybe I should have kept schtum and seen how I went.


Today I have barely craved at all. The only thing I have craved is food. Lots of....... but as my OH said it is like being pregnant again. I know I want soemthing but I don't know what! :loopy: I am currently chowing down the best tasting banana fritters ever and have set my sights on the half a toffee apple cake in the kitchen next.


Sorry I have waffled a bit there. I do have one question - did anyone get ringing in their ears? Since last night I have had a high pitched ringing inone ear. REALLY annoying. Just wondered if it was me or a side effect.

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I had the tinnitus thing , plus other strange sounds popping up for no apparent reason. That was on the full dose though and if I remember rightly it stopped at the half dose. As far as I can remember loads of bad stuff stopped at the half dose, including my unearthly urge to eat garlic.

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I have decieded to stop smoking today after 45 years it will be difficult, but I feel it is a good decision.


Cold Turkey or willpower we will see, health first and money second I am trying to convince myself.


Well what the hell I can not go back now

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I have decieded to stop smoking today after 45 years it will be difficult, but I feel it is a good decision.


Cold Turkey or willpower we will see, health first and money second I am trying to convince myself.


Well what the hell I can not go back now


Best of luck with it Sandie, stopping is easy, it's staying stopped that's hard, I'm 7 years stopped on 29th November.

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I have decieded to stop smoking today after 45 years it will be difficult, but I feel it is a good decision.


Cold Turkey or willpower we will see, health first and money second I am trying to convince myself.


Well what the hell I can not go back now

I stopped smoking so many times, I didn't need practice. Even after I got cancer of the larynx in 2001, I stopped for a while, but slipped back into my awful habit, borrowing a cig now and then. Then all of a sudden six years ago, I said no more, not one. I have never smoked one since. A week of agony then freedom for life. Now they're 80 bucks a carton, and I don't care. I look at the poor suckers standing outside the airport departure building drawing in that last butt before hours in a smoke free aluminum tube, and feel sorry for them.
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Hi all,


Nice to see this thread still going. I have been quit three years today. Could not have done it without Champix and the forum. Please stay strong everybody trying to give up cos it will be worth it in the end. I know now that I will never ever smoke again.



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