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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Yes I have fallen for the just one won't hurt!! This is why I am back at the beginning again. I hope I can manage to resist that urge this time. I really don't want to go through this again. I like being a non smoker, I feel calm and I am glad I'm not always planning my next smoke break and trying to have two cigarettes because its along time until the next break.

Good luck with your quit:)

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Yes I have fallen for the just one won't hurt!! This is why I am back at the beginning again. I hope I can manage to resist that urge this time. I really don't want to go through this again. I like being a non smoker, I feel calm and I am glad I'm not always planning my next smoke break and trying to have two cigarettes because its along time until the next break.

Good luck with your quit:)


Thanks, and good luck with yours as well. How far into it are you?

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hello all. my friend is wanting to stop smoking and is finding it very difficult so now thinking about getting hypnotised to stop. just wondering if anybody has tried it and think that its worth paying the money to do it... help and opinions would be appreciated :thumbsup:


tell your friend too roll up a £5 or £10 note and smoke it, see how good that tastes/feels then she will also be out of pocket, if she/he smoked a £5 note everytime im sure she/he would soon get sick of smoking, that is effectively what your friend is doing ....

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Hi Sam How are you getting on? I am now on day 8 and doing ok. Still eating rubbish but hey can't diet at the min. Another weekend ahead but I am not going out so I will avoid temptation to smoke. I hope you are still managing to stay quit.



---------- Post added 03-02-2013 at 17:58 ----------




Day ten nearly over and its not too bad. Have been a bit tearful over the weekend hope that doesn't last as its playing havoc with my contacts. Went to see Les Miserables thats what started the tears!! Hope you are still with us Sam.


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Hi Dee, so sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I was in London with work last Thurs/Friday and then without laptop this weekend. Anyway, I'm still of the cigarettes, phew! And actually, i havent taken any tablets this last 3 days either and as far as cravings go, not made any difference to me at all. I think i've finally got into the frame of mind, that i do not ever want to smoke again. Dee, it's funny you should say about feeling tearful as i had a similar day last week (hence i thought, lets just see what it's like without any tablets at all). I had a day where i was bad tempered and then in the evening i was emotional and feeling sorry for myself. Now, could have been Champix or it could have been me having a rubbish day, who knows! Still, been fine since.


By the way, it was nice to walk past the smokers all huddled together at Kings Cross on friday evening :). I used to be the one having a quick cigarette waiting for my train......certainly dont miss the odd weirdo that used to invariably come up and try to sponge a fag off me. Just shows what a powerful drug nicotine is when you're prepared to go up to a complete stranger and ask for one. Mind you, looking at some of them, i guess nicotine addiction of the least of their troubles!


Dee we're doing well arent we! I feel like it's all a new adventure and I'm experiencing lots of nice things still - taste of food, nice smells (and the not so nice) and I dont want this to wear off. I'm still a bit wary of dropping the tablets so any time i feel the slightest yearning, I'll be back on them. I'll be pleased to get to a month mark, guess you will too!




---------- Post added 04-02-2013 at 08:46 ----------


One other thing i wanted to mention is that my sleep patterns since stopping the tablets are all over the place. Last night i was awake from around 2am until at least 4am (last time i looked at clock). Feel so tired this morning. I guess then that even after stopping Champix, the effects can continue for a period of time?


---------- Post added 04-02-2013 at 22:17 ----------


Hi all!


Well, I decided to take a tablet today as i'm not sure it is a good idea to stop so soon. Although i havent been tempted, i did have too many thoughts of cigarettes today. After finishing work this evening, I actually put pen to paper and wrote a list of reasons for not smoking and reasons to continue. A simple exercise but helped enormously and reinforced all my reasons for stopping in the first place.


Really hope I sleep better tonight though as last night was a disaster and i'd really not been troubled by too much disrupted sleep (as others had mentioned) apart from the strange dreams.

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Hi there I'm taking one tablet a day, and I am sleeping ok and no weird dreams. I thought everything was going well but today I had a mega stress moment and I instantly thought of leaving the office and going to buy cigarettes. I couldn't believe I was having such a sudden reaction. I managed to calm myself down and the thought passed away quickly enough.


I will stay on the one tablet a day for another few weeks because i probably would have gone to the shop for the cigarettes if I wasn't on the tablets. Today has knocked my confidence a bit and made me realise how quickly I could start smoking again.


I'm home now and I am going for a hot bath to de-stress. Hope you are doing ok today. Did you sleep any better last night?


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Hi Dee - i know exactly what you're going through and by the grace of god, I've held back buying any. I think the Champix must have been in my system still and it held me back but my goodness it was an internal battle. If i had, i'd have been so bloody angry with myself as I've now reached 18 days. It's one of the reasons i decided to take the .5mg pill again once a day. Just better to be safe than sorry. I think im finding the 3rd week harder than the first 2!!!


Woke up at 3am last night but soon went back to sleep. Kept waking up/going to sleep until 7am. Think i managed to get about 6 hrs so cant complain. Mouth as dry as the sahara desert though - it's no wonder i kept waking up, there was literally no moisture in my mouth :D.


So glad your on this forum Dee because it aint easy is it - with or without Champix :(

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I know about the dry mouth I had to take a drink to bed with me. It has eased a bit now though. It's not easy is it!! I think thats what scares me I wonder what will happen next. Then its trying to figure out if its the pills or just a symptom of giving up.


Well done on 18 days. I have 12 days under my belt. Hopefully we can keep going. I'm glad to have you to talk to. It helps to have a moan.

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