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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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wow Alien52, that adds up to a serious amount of money. I've not really looked at the longer term monetary savings but i will now. As Sting-ray man said in an earlier post - just roll up a £5 or £10 note and see how good that tastes. I actually visualised that ....it all helps beating the demon.

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Hi Dee / everyone else reading!


It's 21 days for me today and officially 3 weeks :hihi:


I probably sound like a broken record now but i've not taken any tablets again this last couple of days mainly due to bad sleeping issues. Wednesday i went to bed fine but woke up at 3am and just could not go back to sleep. Thank god i was working from home as i was no use to man or beast that day. This morning i woke up at 5am so that's 6 hours sleep and im happy with that.


I really dont know if the Champix is still helping with stopping smoking. I dont feel any different not taking them with regards to the cravings. I'd still love a cigarette in the morning and one in the evening and i think that will be the case for a long time. Still, much as i think 'oh i'd love one now' i wont do it. The most disappointed person would be me if i caved in. It's just a few deep breaths and then the moment goes. Well, dont think the moment entirely goes but you know what i mean.


How you doing Dee - 15 days today isnt it?

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Hiya Sam


Yes its 15 days today. I am stopping the tablets too. I was taking one a day in the morning and I thought I was ok with that but have been told I am very quick tempered!! these days and not at all like myself. Well it could be withdrawal from nicotine but it might be the tablets. So I haven't had one since yesterday morning.


I am a bit worried incase I can't cope with the cravings. It might not be as bad as I think.

You are doing very well three whole weeks. Keep on going. I have put on 4lbs as well hey ho it's no wonder I am quick tempered.

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Funny isnt it Dee how the tablets affect us in all different ways. Like i said, i've not seen a difference in the 'cravings' side of things by not taking the tablets. I just hope the sleeping gets back to normal. Be interesting to see how long it takes Champix side effects to stop after finishing up the tablets (imagine it's a good few days). See how you go Dee, suppose it's all trial and error and if you ever want to chat, just message me and I'll give you a buzz.


Just on the weight side of things - i know what you mean. Doesnt exactly make you fee tip top when you see the scales nudging up another pound or two. I've been the same size since my early 20s - hardly ever fluctuated at all so iv'e never had to diet. NOW - im buying yoghurts and crispbreads. Not sure that's helping either as i'm munching on crispbreads like they're going out of fashion. I know exactly how many calories im consuming in a day (got a mental calculation going off in my head) but it doesnt stop me thinking "oh, well one more won't hurt, at least im not smoking".


---------- Post added 12-02-2013 at 21:14 ----------


Hi Dee, thought i'd check in and see how you were. I'm going to have to confess and had a cigarette this weekend when i was out for dinner on saturday night. I should have stayed on the tablets longer grrrrr. Anyway, i made amends and not touched one since. I'll be honest, the guilt i felt made the cigarette taste worse than it probably was. I let myself down and there was absolutely no one else to blame.


I suppose the only comfort i can take from this is that a lot of people on this thread has lapsed on one occasion but nipped it in the bud and continued to be non smokers. I'm back on the tablets and will not let this happen again. Stupid me! Anyway, no point dwelling on the matter, im back on track.


Confession over ......and i feel better for that :-)

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Hi Sam


Im sorry to hear you had a lapse. I had a bad weekend well Sunday really. All I could think about was having a cigarette. I ate everything in sight, cried my eyes out and went to bed early. I hadn't had a champix since Thursday morning. When I woke up on Monday morning still with thoughts of smoking I came down stairs made a coffee and swallowed a champix. I was fine the rest of monday and went to work this morning without taking a champix but coming home this evening I was ravenous!! I had to stop at a shop now the thought of buying cigarettes was in my mind but I managed to walk out with just buying a chocolate bar and a bag of crisps. I munched my way home then raced in to the house and took my prepared dinner out of fridge and pinged it immediately ate that then I decided I better take another champix.


I despair of ever being able to manage without the tablets. All is well at the minute but it made me realise how well the tablets work. It is still early days for the both of us so dont worry about the cigarette you smoked just remember all the ones you didnt smoke over the past 4 weeks.


---------- Post added 12-02-2013 at 22:13 ----------


oh well done nicoteenie, I didnt see you there. Any advice for us early day quitters? How did you manage coming off the tablets? did you stay on for the whole course?


---------- Post added 14-02-2013 at 21:40 ----------




How are you doing Sam? I have had a day from hell at work come home and went to bed for an hour. I felt like I was shaking inside whether its the upset or the champix Im not sure. Two glasses of wine (oh no never on a work nite!!) sorted me out. Fleeting thoughts of cigs but nothing serious. Partner not home til tomorrow so having a miserable valentines day! Hope yours is proving to be better.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi I forgot to do my update this year on Saturday 9th Feb 2013 I have not had a cigarette for 5 years!!!! Do not miss them at all now. Good luck to everyone starting out it is so worth it


That is so good to hear! It's been 1 whole week and I'm done with it! In 5 years I'll have forgotten! xxx

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Hey, hi everyone


Jeeeeeze forgot bout this thread, it will be 2yrs in May since i 1st tried Champix and still going strong, tbh still think about a smoke to this day every now an then but i did smoke for 20 odd years lol.

To all you new starters keep with it, it does get easier and GOOD LUCK........

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  • 2 weeks later...

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