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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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I bumped into an old mate I had not seen for a few years...he was a serious smoker the last time I saw him,he said he gave up boozing and smoking 10 years ago he said one day I've just had enough of this crap and I gave up there and then never bothered since,that surprised to me as he was a 50 a day smoker back then,in fact I was surprised to see him alive and healthy...

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Twenty benson or embassy 1 are £9.85 here buck,the cheap ones are about £7,I am going to stop for good at the end of the month,I am sick of spending over £100 a week to make myself ill,stupid isn't it.
I bet you could buy a really nice car with that money.It is hard to stop. I would stop for a while and then some friend or one of my sons would be smoking and I'd cadge one. Then back to my old ways. But my wife, bless her heart went cold turkey and shamed me. Now I wouldn't dare if I wanted to. Its a great feeling when you win. Good luck with it:)
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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Yes, hello all - just checked myself and it's 7 years and 5 months since I last smoked!

Don't think about them now but in an odd way still miss the nicotine/ smoking routine.


Champix worked for me as I couldn't do it on my own. Maybe now I would try the Vaping route but you then still have to quit nicotine to be truly free.


This thread definitely was part of my support mechanism as giving up smokes still ranks as one of the most difficult things I've had to do..


Regards, Robin

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Hiya, lovely to see you back posting, and great news on the quitting, just about a month or so less than me. I remember you from when we were both a bit more active on this forum. I don't really think much about smoking at all now, hubby has quit too but used the nicorette inhalators, he stopped actually smoking 7 years ago this month - but - only managed to rid himself of the inhalators about 6 months ago as he still needed that nicotine kick! He's still suffering to be honest. Champix certainly made it a lot easier for me!

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