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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hi guys, I have been a nonsmoker for nearly 10 years with the help of Champix. And I feel great, but from time to time on a warm summer day - i might miss a sig with a glass of wine. But it passes fast, and I cannot even try one puff.

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  • 3 months later...

Has this forum stoped/ or have they stoped giving out Champix? gave up 12/11/10 and still smoke free.... know its been a long time since posting, but thought this site would still be going strong.It gave me lots of support in the past.... A big thank you for the people who were posting on page 370 and onwards.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,


Just logged in because it was the only place (other than the GPs) to find out when I gave up smoking. It is now 8 years - I thought it was 5. Haven't smoked since although there are odd times when I miss it. I was a champix baby.


Many thanks to all those posted such supportive and informative messages over the years.


All the best,


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  • 8 months later...

What an epic thread! Shall we revive it? I’m just starting champix today!

I shall report on my progress. It’s day one today and I’ve smoked for 34 years at around 30 a day. I’ve tried everything from hypnotherapy, NRT, vaping, cold turkey basically everything. 

I really want to give up now.

Still smoking today and plan to give up by about day 15. 


Also I’m based in Australia... this thread has travelled far!

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I gave my new 2oz tin of Golden Virginia,pack of Rizla and box of Swan Vestas to my mate at work in early 1987...32 years ago,no tablets,patches etc just pure determination.....I have never touched another fag since...I started smoking while still at school in the late 50's,not yet a teenager,....and often spent my bus fare money on them when i went to higher school....pack of Domino  3 for 7d.....5 Park Drive about 10d, i remember buying a pack of 20 Players when i started work in 1964...just to show off i s'pose.. they cost 4/6d...I have never really craved for one and i dread to think what i would be like if i had carried on.Its only when you have been stopped smoking for a while that you realise how those that do "stink", in fact the heavy smokers make me retch at the smell...This morning i have just returned from a 4 mile walk,i do it everyday,sometimes twice...before i stopped i was out of breath after a couple of hundred yards...BUT you have got to really WANT to stop smoking..i always did,and so glad of it.....just to add i turned 70  last year and feel i am fitter than i was 32 years ago,if i hadn't stopped i honestly don't think i would be here.......:)

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So good  Euclid. How great that you did it then 🙂


Day 3 today. No side effects at all yet but I’m only on 0.5mg a day so that might change when it goes up. Cigs first day 30... second day 19... not sure why... maybe busy at work

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