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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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On 07/04/2019 at 07:22, euclid said:

I gave my new 2oz tin of Golden Virginia,pack of Rizla and box of Swan Vestas to my mate at work in early 1987...32 years ago,no tablets,patches etc just pure determination.....I have never touched another fag since...I started smoking while still at school in the late 50's,not yet a teenager,....and often spent my bus fare money on them when i went to higher school....pack of Domino  3 for 7d.....5 Park Drive about 10d, i remember buying a pack of 20 Players when i started work in 1964...just to show off i s'pose.. they cost 4/6d...I have never really craved for one and i dread to think what i would be like if i had carried on.Its only when you have been stopped smoking for a while that you realise how those that do "stink", in fact the heavy smokers make me retch at the smell...This morning i have just returned from a 4 mile walk,i do it everyday,sometimes twice...before i stopped i was out of breath after a couple of hundred yards...BUT you have got to really WANT to stop smoking..i always did,and so glad of it.....just to add i turned 70  last year and feel i am fitter than i was 32 years ago,if i hadn't stopped i honestly don't think i would be here.......:)

 Good for you, I can only echo your thoughts on stopping before it's too late. I did leave it a little late myself and I have severe COPD, although I also worked in the welding industry for 53 years. The strange thing is that once I decided enough was enough, I found it relatively easy. I had tried every aid on the market over the years, to no avail. Then on January 5th 2014 at 9.30 pm I smoked the last cigarette I will ever smoke, no aids, no assistance whatsoever. How I wish I had possessed that same resolve 30 years earlier.

Edited by Ontarian1981
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I smoked at primary school and continued until I was 20. I was, at one stage, in the Forces in Aden, where we got free cigs (which were, apparently, confiscated ciggies by the UK Customs)

But, at the age of twenty after the 1964 Budget,  I decided to stop. It took c six months till I’d killed the craving. 

I’ve not smoked for 55years, but smoking contributed significantly to the deaths of both my mother and father. 

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It’s so worth quitting isn’t it? And it’s great to hear your stories. I’m onto day 5 of champix and so now taking two 0.5mg tablets a day. Still smoking but only about half what I used to smoke. Not sure why but I’m just not thinking about it so much. No side effects as yet but they may start with the higher dosage.

Well done to those of you who did it cold turkey. I have done that before and then slipped up. Onward! 

On 09/04/2019 at 14:36, Ontarian1981 said:

 Good for you, I can only echo your thoughts on stopping before it's too late. I did leave it a little late myself and I have severe COPD, although I also worked in the welding industry for 53 years. The strange thing is that once I decided enough was enough, I found it relatively easy. I had tried every aid on the market over the years, to no avail. Then on January 5th 2014 at 9.30 pm I smoked the last cigarette I will ever smoke, no aids, no assistance whatsoever. How I wish I had possessed that same resolve 30 years earlier.

Why do you think you had the resolve at that point? What was different for you? And well done!

On 10/04/2019 at 06:05, Mossway said:

I smoked at primary school and continued until I was 20. I was, at one stage, in the Forces in Aden, where we got free cigs (which were, apparently, confiscated ciggies by the UK Customs)

But, at the age of twenty after the 1964 Budget,  I decided to stop. It took c six months till I’d killed the craving. 

I’ve not smoked for 55years, but smoking contributed significantly to the deaths of both my mother and father. 

So great to give up early in life. I wish I had too. Funnily enough I am really fit and run half marathons! I have even had a cig at the end of a half marathon! I’m possibly part stupid!

but I know it’s playing with fire even when you’re fit and look outwardly healthy.

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This thread seems to be dead but ah well, someone may come across it that wants to know about the champix. I did! 

So day 8 today and now into the 1mg tablets twice a day. I did consider just taking one tablet a day as I am tiny but I’m going to give it a bash with 2 and see how I go. Still smoking, not feeling any different yet ....

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Stacey48 -- hats off to you. Never been a smoker  but had to change eating habits a lot due to health concerns (although haven't completely given up yet 🙂 )


Hope you've got a lot of support around you. It has to come from within, but friend/family can really help.



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