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Did you live on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s?

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Were many on the forum born on or lived on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s.

If so, What are your childhood memories, Have you a inclination to find others who you went to school or played with? If you moved from the estate, where did you go to?

Did you attend Stand House Junior School, Pipworth Road, Prince of Wales or St Theresa.

Can you recall the raft on both pit ponds at the Manor Top?

Going to Ford via the Old Arrow?

The tossing Ring on the nunnery Pit tip?

Why has the manor estate now got a bad reputation when the people who live there now have got or own riches which as youngsters use to dream off. For me that was mainly acquiring a good meal!!


Do you remember this ryme that we use to chant about the Prince of Wales School Head:-


Old Pop Sephton, Was A Good Man,

He went to church on Sunday's.

He prayed to god,

To give him strength.

To cane ALL the kids

On Monday's!!


In years to come, Someone will write about the Manor Estate and be very pleased that you have left your contribution.

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I lived on the manor in the 80's and went to Standhouse school i remember my best friend was Ben Raines, his mum worked in the nursery. we moved to Intake in the 90's and used to walk to Ford passed the old Harrow, It was a long enough walk from Intake never mind from the manor.

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I was born at 134 Windy House Lane sufficient to say a very very long time ago, and Stand House school was the first school I attended,but only for very short time as my parents moved into the city centre.

I was baptized at St Swithuns church.

Our holidays were spent at Ridgeway camping, when it was out in the sticks, the houses finished at Manor Top, and Ridgeway Road was through fields,the farm where we went for years was owned by the Rodgers Family.

A long time ago but I will keep searching my ageing memory for any more memories.

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I was born at 134 Windy House Lane sufficient to say a very very long time ago, and Stand House school was the first school I attended,but only for very short time as my parents moved into the city centre.

I was baptized at St Swithuns church.

Our holidays were spent at Ridgeway camping, when it was out in the sticks, the houses finished at Manor Top, and Ridgeway Road was through fields,the farm where we went for years was owned by the Rodgers Family.

A long time ago but I will keep searching my ageing memory for any more memories.


Did you know Brian Star,? Hewitt, Gord Eastwood, ? Jean or Raymond Smith ?

From the Graves old persons houses, how far was you up Windy House Lane. From memory they were a block of Four, then Five before Fizubert Road. A police box stood on the corner before the next houses

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Originally Posted by Harlan

I was born at 134 Windy House Lane sufficient to say a very very long time ago, and Stand House school was the first school I attended,but only for very short time as my parents moved into the city centre.

I was baptized at St Swithuns church.

Our holidays were spent at Ridgeway camping, when it was out in the sticks, the houses finished at Manor Top, and Ridgeway Road was through fields,the farm where we went for years was owned by the Rodgers Family.

A long time ago but I will keep searching my ageing memory for any more memories.


i lived on tfitzhubert road at the corner of bassledene road. my friends were kathleen kitchen,joy stephenson.linda darlow,susan wainwright. i still live the on the manor but not on fitzhubert road:) :)


Please give a indication of what year(s).

It will be interesting to find out. Who is the oldest Manorite on the Forum.

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i was born on the manor in 1933at 137 windyhouse lane, i attended standhouse school which was at the bottom of the lane on queen mary road

i had plenty of mates down there harry hewitt eric bickerstaffe walt reaney bryan star.

iremeber going on to the manor feilds and warring with the wybournites,there were what appeared to be thousands of kids all going to kill one another but somehow it never quite worked out like that,all we got were cut and buises and a good hiding for being late in.

does anyone recall the fishing pond on queenmary road at the bottom of cullabine road i caught my first fish there it must have weighed all of half an ounce but it won the match that day.i rember the allotments also most of them empty when all the owners had gone off to fight in the real war,i often wonder how many returned.

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The names given are not familiar, was there a Dennis Armstrong? I was born in April 1930 which makes 77.

No 134 was at the bottom end, stood facing Stand house School the last but one house on the right hand side before Queen Mary Rd.The first house round the corner on Queen Mary Rd lived the Rylatt(?) family,their daughter Mavis was a school friend and I remember the fishing pond too.

If I remember correctly the houses opposite 134 were at lower level than ours,and we had to climb steps and a path to the front door.

It is many many years since I went there, as I don't live in Sheffield now, perhaps one day I will take a trip down memory lane

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The names given are not familiar, was there a Dennis Armstrong? I was born in April 1930 which makes 77.

No 134 was at the bottom end, stood facing Stand house School the last but one house on the right hand side before Queen Mary Rd.The first house round the corner on Queen Mary Rd lived the Rylatt(?) family,their daughter Mavis was a school friend and I remember the fishing pond too.

If I remember correctly the houses opposite 134 were at lower level than ours,and we had to climb steps and a path to the front door.

It is many many years since I went there, as I don't live in Sheffield now, perhaps one day I will take a trip down memory lane


I think, Subject to confirmation, that at moment you are the Oldest Manorite.

Rayzor1 will hopefully remember you. Plus anybody else around your age and Rayzor1's ancient age!). Actually we both must have known you because we lived just across the road from you in the last house on your left in the block of three. I have a older sister about your age called, ' Jean '. (She still nagging me after all these years!!!).

After the walk tomorrow night, I may be able to give a lead so you can look at some photographs that I took some years ago around our childhood play ground.

Can you remember Cryers, Smith, Bigerstaff, Hewitt, Eastwood, Denton, Gears,

( The Copper who gave us a wallop if we did anything wrong (Judge & Jury) ).


( Some one else fill in a few more in please )

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