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Did you live on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s?

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the welfare is still there it is known as the manor clinic it is right at the side of the library


Thank you. I was hoping someone would tell me what ' Sun Ray Treatment ' was? and if the Welfare was bombed during the 2.W.W.


Can anyone recall the big black Van and trailer that the council sent around the estate to fumigate the houses, because most suffered with having ' Bugs '?


Did anyone go on the evening coach trip to Snaith, Nr Goole. When the vicar of St Swithens, Rev Pascoe moved? ( in 1945 or 6)


In the bad winter of 1945/6 most of the children spent hours going down Basseldene Road, where the church hall was using a Alderson Air Raid shelter bend as a sledge. About twenty youngsters, plus pushed off from just outside St Swithens church and sledged down the hill to Queen Mary Road. The worse bit, was pulling the huge steel bent corrugated sheet back up the hill for another go.

Is a fellow sledger reading this?

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Does anyone remember the Reynolds family who lived at 5, Queen Mary Crescent between the 40s and 60s. Mrs Reynolds was a dainty biird like figure who always seemed to be in a hurry. It was a large family, by todays standards, and this woman lost a lot of her children, and her husband, to T.B. A few if them were my childhood friends, I remember May, Audrey, Frank, Jack, Jean and Joan. Mrs Reynolds may have been small in stature but had the strength of a lion. I remember she lost two of her children and her husband in one year. When she died the whole of the surrounding neighbourhood turned out to pay their last respects.

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............One of my first early memory's is Mother taking me in my pram (I believe), to what I was to get to know as ' The Welfare ' for Sun Ray Treatment?.........


This Sun Ray Treatment....what was it? I seem to remember going to some sort of clinic to have what my mother called jelly patches, these were put on your backs. Does anyone remember these, was is same as sun ray treatment?

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............One of my first early memory's is Mother taking me in my pram (I believe), to what I was to get to know as ' The Welfare ' for Sun Ray Treatment?.........


This Sun Ray Treatment....what was it? I seem to remember going to some sort of clinic to have what my mother called jelly patches, these were put on your backs. Does anyone remember these, was is same as sun ray treatment?


Was it the same ' Clinic or Welfare '? The one I refer to was on Ridgeway Road.

I can't remember what the treatment was. Just that my mother called it. ' Sun Ray Treatment '.

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We used to go to the clinic on Ridgeway Road at the side of the Library. Can't remember if that's where I used to go for my treatment. I just remember a few kids there all at the same time, stripped down to our vests and underpants.

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We used to go to the clinic on Ridgeway Road at the side of the Library. Can't remember if that's where I used to go for my treatment. I just remember a few kids there all at the same time, stripped down to our vests and underpants.


Would this be in 1941 - 43? I was born in November 1937 and it is one of my first memories prior to attending Stand House School.

Did anyone remember playing on the rafts that were floating on the Pit Ponds that were behind Pit Heaps either side of Mansfield Road?

Though we all called them, ' Pit Heaps ', were they? If so, where had the pit been situated?

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There were more numbers on the outer ring of Queen Mary Rd. Stand House would be round about 203, running along the top of the Rec. So, there were houses between Stand House and the Rec and then houses down to P.O.W. This means it has to be round about St. Theresas. Dr Listers was at the junction of Hastilar Rd and P.O.W.:wave:


Just to confirm that the last house on Queen Mary Rd on the Windy House Rd side of POW Rd was number 279. This was directly opposite St Theresa's across POW Rd but futher up from the White House. We (Beach) lived at no. 279 from the late 40's until 1955; my grand parents (Tom & Ada Childes, daughter Mary and son Jack) lived at no. 275 for many years and the Dronfield family were their neighbours. The Price family lived at no. 277. The Beach family was well represented on the Estate, with Richard (Dick), Mierion (Mac), sister May around the Stonehouse Rd/Motehall Road area. I went to Prince Edward's school from c 1948 until 1955 and my autograph album reminds me that the head was Victor Cross, with Olive Stephenson, John Roberts, David Hughes Mrs Pilgrim, JK Walsh, JH Martin, AE Dowker, PH Bishop, CE Webster, CA Kent, SM Ward, EE Moore, AV Warden, M Farmer.

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Though I left the Manor and did not attend Prince Edwards School.

I remember the ryme about the then headmaster


Old Pop Sefton was a good man,

He went to church on Sunday's.

He prayed to god, to give him enough strength.

So he could cane all the kids on Monday.


Following post #148: - When did ' Old Pop Sefton ', retire?

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Just to confirm that the last house on Queen Mary Rd on the Windy House Rd side of POW Rd was number 279. This was directly opposite St Theresa's across POW Rd but futher up from the White House. We (Beach) lived at no. 279 from the late 40's until 1955; my grand parents (Tom & Ada Childes, daughter Mary and son Jack) lived at no. 275 for many years and the Dronfield family were their neighbours. The Price family lived at no. 277............


Our family lived at 277 Queen Mary Road from about 1960ish, the house below us which was the last house on QM Rd before POW Road was the Booth's. Across from us lived both my aunts.

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