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Did you live on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s?

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I lived on the Manor in the mid 1950s - 129 Windy House Lane and went to Stand House School. I remember the fish pond, Hagues fish and chip shop, and a barber who used to cut all the kids hair on Saturday morning. Used to go upstairs to his shop. I think he only knew one style. Remember playing hours on the Manor Fields. There was also a bloke who used to take two collies for a walk and he used stop and make them do tricks for us. Also went to the Manor picture house for the kids matinees on Saturday. Anyone remember a doctor Wilson?

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I lived at no. 5 Archdale Place in the early 50's and went to Standhouse school just up the road. Mr Rackham, Miss Lant are a couple of teachers I can recall. We sometimes used to listen to a radio program,, detective serial I think which was "piped" around the classrooms! Mr Rackham used to march us in military style from the playground into the school and always carried his cane , just in case! I seem to remember some buildings at the bottom of the rear playground which I think may have been air raid shelters?

Remember the upstaires Barber on Saturdays and the short back and sides. Fairleigh shops? Fishing pond and all that frogspawn. my two elder sisters used to scare me when we went on the Manor fields with Ghost stories about Mary Queen of Scots, Castle and secret tunnels.....

There was a guy who made paper Kites on Faileigh anyone remember him?

I was married in St Swithuns Church in 1968 I think it is no longer?

Is the School still there?

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I lived at no. 5 Archdale Place in the early 50's and went to Standhouse school just up the road. Mr Rackham, Miss Lant are a couple of teachers I can recall. We sometimes used to listen to a radio program,, detective serial I think which was "piped" around the classrooms! Mr Rackham used to march us in military style from the playground into the school and always carried his cane , just in case! I seem to remember some buildings at the bottom of the rear playground which I think may have been air raid shelters?

Remember the upstaires Barber on Saturdays and the short back and sides. Fairleigh shops? Fishing pond and all that frogspawn. my two elder sisters used to scare me when we went on the Manor fields with Ghost stories about Mary Queen of Scots, Castle and secret tunnels.....

There was a guy who made paper Kites on Faileigh anyone remember him?

I was married in St Swithuns Church in 1968 I think it is no longer?

Is the School still there?


I've a photo of the School which you are welcome to have a copy of.

The buildings at the rear of the school were air raid shelters.

I flew many a kite made by the man you mention, flying them usually off the bank-side at the end of Waltheof Road. Did you play on the old railings?

My brother 'Rayzor1'. Kept all the youngsters scared to death about the ghost of, ' Mary Queen of Scots ', walking about the manor fields with her head tucked under her arm and the secret tunnels. Can you remember the 'Rec'? Was the radio programme ' Dick Barton Special Agent '?

St Swithens is now no longer standing, I was a choir boy at the church.

Was the vicar who married you called ' Emerson '? He arrived at the church about 1945. Was Mrs Barton still teaching at Stand House in the early 1950s her husband taught at the Central Technical School on Leopole Street, S1.

Think back, your memories will be valuable to someone some day so please take the trouble to write them down onto the thread.

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I lived on the Manor in the mid 1950s - 129 Windy House Lane and went to Stand House School. I remember the fish pond, Hagues fish and chip shop, and a barber who used to cut all the kids hair on Saturday morning. Used to go upstairs to his shop. I think he only knew one style. Remember playing hours on the Manor Fields. There was also a bloke who used to take two collies for a walk and he used stop and make them do tricks for us. Also went to the Manor picture house for the kids matinees on Saturday. Anyone remember a doctor Wilson?


Did you live next door to or are you called ' Denton '?

Mick & Arther (Pop) were my childhood friends who I have not met since 1945-6.

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What a good memory you have Albert T and thank you for reviving some of mine! Would love a photo of the School please. Can you send electronically?

Can't place the railings on Waltheof road, I'm not sure on that one but it was definitely Dick Barton Special Agent that was broadcast in the classrooms, you know the music at the start.......something to do with trains?

The Vicar at St Swithuns was Brian Pritchard, March 1968, remember him?

Mrs Barton sounds familiar but can't be positive. I have been thinking more about the school over the past couple of days and can recall being in the school country dancing team (one off), selling biscuits and chocolate marshmallows at break time and scoffing one or two with the others, classroom Christmas 'parties' where we brought something from home on the day we broke up. Some pupil names; Haslam, Titterton, Cockerel, Scott....I never had a school meal but we used to clamour for the job of putting out the roll up tablecloths on the school desks just before 12 then someone else delegated to do the knives, forks and spoons!

I do remember a "rec" not far from the school on the way to POW rd. Used to play there a lot. Is that the one you mean? So you bro was responsible for scaring us little ,uns all that time ago! Happy days!

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Can't remember Denton. I moved there about 1953. Do remember Titterton and another lad who lived across the road from the school called Peter Ratcliffe. My neighbours were called Bickerstaffe?? Yes I also remember the shelters at the bottom of the school yard. When we played football at the school we had to walk to a fiield just off Prince of Wales Road - seemed a long walk. The teacher was Mr Miller and there was also a Mrs Wright. A 'tripe' van used to come round on (I think) Thursday nights.

Had some happy memories there.

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I know that I am going back a long way but I am trying to help a friend in Oz trace his mothers relatives. His mother was living with the OLDALE family at 123 Windy House Lane at some point from 1924 onwards. They eventually moved to Oz after the war and lost track of each other. Was no 123 City Road end or the other end?



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Lived at 92 Fairleigh until 1952 (when I was 5), the house is still there but the back garden went right up to the back of Tom's barbers in my day. I remember a Mr Moxon who lived in the old folks flats that the back garden ran at the side of.


We had a police sergeant as a neighbour so it couldn't have been a bad area in those days.

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Lived at 92 Fairleigh until 1952 (when I was 5), the house is still there but the back garden went right up to the back of Tom's barbers in my day. I remember a Mr Moxon who lived in the old folks flats that the back garden ran at the side of.


We had a police sergeant as a neighbour so it couldn't have been a bad area in those days.


It wasn't probably because the Policeman issued instant judge and jury service to those who required it. Parents whilst knowing of their ' Rights ' also realised that with them also came, ' Responsibilities '.

I'll contact my oldest sister regarding postings that refer to happenings that I was too young to remember. She is called ' Jean '. anybody remember her? (She's still 21)

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