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Did you live on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s?

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Hi Tatty dumps

Sorry to hear you are scared as to what I`m going to say, there is nothing to be frightened of in your teenage years that I can contribute too. Getting to know who I am will come when you link up the few things I `ve already said,with a few pieces I`ve left out up to now you may realize who I am.

One final thing can you still whistle like you could when you were fourteen.

Sapper 211 (Ex A.C.F)

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Sapper 211

Please give me a little biddy clue as to who you are. I have a feeling you are a link with Stand House School where they used to have the Army Cadet meetings This was held on the same night I was at the youth club, (Y.W.C.A.) and there was quite a bit of mingling went on. As for the whistling, that's all gone the same way as my teeth. This makes me think of something else, were you a paper boy. I took them for a couple of years for Mr Hanson on City Road. But I don't know why I am telling you all this because you probably know already. Did we go to the same school? Please put me out of my misery.

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Sapper 211

Please give me a little biddy clue as to who you are. I have a feeling you are a link with Stand House School where they used to have the Army Cadet meetings This was held on the same night I was at the youth club, (Y.W.C.A.) and there was quite a bit of mingling went on. As for the whistling, that's all gone the same way as my teeth. This makes me think of something else, were you a paper boy. I took them for a couple of years for Mr Hanson on City Road. But I don't know why I am telling you all this because you probably know already. Did we go to the same school? Please put me out of my misery.


Slowly Tatty Dumps is going to be revealed to 'All An Sundery'.

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Hi Tatty Dumps,

Yes I was a paper lad but not for Hansons but for Hirsts at the corner of Cullabine rd. Now I`m Waiting for Albert T to tell ""us all on sunday". I never said thanks for the free bus rides when you worked on the buses, I reckon you were the quickest clippy on the transport. Yes it is in connection with Cadets. Sorry I can`t find the emoticons so that I can express what I`m saying:-) :-)

Ta ra pet


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Hi Tatty Dumps,

Yes I was a paper lad but not for Hansons but for Hirsts at the corner of Cullabine rd. Now I`m Waiting for Albert T to tell ""us all on sunday". I never said thanks for the free bus rides when you worked on the buses, I reckon you were the quickest clippy on the transport. Yes it is in connection with Cadets. Sorry I can`t find the emoticons so that I can express what I`m saying:-) :-)

Ta ra pet



Ignore Albert 'cos he knows more than he's saying! Are you going to tell me who you are

or have I got to send all my family round to beat you up? I'll take a stab is your name Stan? No - I think you have to be someone I saw quite a lot of over the years. You know I was a clippie and you know I worked at Manor Top. If I gave you free rides then I must know you very well aaaand I must have liked you. I was the quickest clippie by the way. Just a little more information might help. Pleeeeeaaaaase :help:

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Well I have to admit I`ve never been on my computer for so long before. But I`m sorry my

mum is sending me to bed. As for sending your family to beat me up you`ll have to have a trip down to sunny Norfolk. Good night sweet princess ,got to put my teeth in to soak before I go to bed:) :):)


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Well I have to admit I`ve never been on my computer for so long before. But I`m sorry my

mum is sending me to bed. As for sending your family to beat me up you`ll have to have a trip down to sunny Norfolk. Good night sweet princess ,got to put my teeth in to soak before I go to bed:) :):)



Could I have a word with your mum please

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