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Did you live on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s?

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Hiya Betty, do you remember me? I used to work with you and Christine at the PO too. A few years before that, I used to deliver your papers and one of your lads (Nigel?) used to help me on my paper round. I think it was your next neighbours that had a really vicious little yorkie that used to chase me and terrify the life out of me.

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Yes, we lived at 118 Fitzhubert from about 1958 until the houses were knocked down. My mother and family that is, I came to Australia in 69. Betty Cutts (nee Daniels is now living in Townsville - Australia. Am still in touch with her.


Hey John.

Just got the website from mum in Townsville and thought I would put my two bobs worth in. Looks like another great site to catch up and keep in touch with old friends. Does anyone know the whereabouts of any of the Flowers clan from Fitzhubert Road, the kids names were John, Jennifer and Peter, parents names Albert and Ivy. Ivy worked at the Manor Hotel.???

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My sister Helen is married to Derek Hall formerly of Woodthorpe Close. They are now at Hyde Park. One of your relaives I presume?


No Derek isnt one of my cousins, there was two families named Hall on Woodthorpe Close, Derek near the top of the Close If I remember right.

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I lived on Queen Mary road and I think I was on the buses with Joan, but I don't remember any other member of the family.

I was on the buses from 1951 - 1963.


I was having a quick natter with my sister Jean yesterday.

She is almost certain the she knew you many years ago.

Did your mother make our Sire-reen Suits during the war?

Was she a dress maker?

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I was having a quick natter with my sister Jean yesterday.

She is almost certain the she knew you many years ago.

Did your mother make our Sire-reen Suits during the war?

Was she a dress maker?


Hi Albert - sorry but my mum didn't know how to thread a needle but she was a whizz at toffee apples. I'm pretty certain I know your sister Jean though but I can't put a face to the name yet but it will come. Is she the same age as me - coming up to 75?

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i lived on tfitzhubert road at the corner of bassledene road. my friends were kathleen kitchen,joy stephenson.linda darlow,susan wainwright. i still live the on the manor but not on fitzhubert road:) :)


I lived at no 122 Fitzhubert Road there was a Pat Darlow Frank Darlow and Jean they lived at no 130 Fitzhubert opposite Rollet Close dont remember Linda Darlow.Regards Betty Daniels

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I lived on Queen Mary road and I think I was on the buses with Joan, but I don't remember any other member of the family.

I was on the buses from 1951 - 1963.


Joan Daniels is my sister and she never worked on the buses must have mixed up with some one else.

my sister Ivy used to work on the trams now thats going back a bit.

Does anyone remember the Malkins John Ken Roy and Barbara they lived at no 116 Fitzhubert Road.

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I got your sister mixed up with another Joan who lived on Fitzhubert. If I remember rightly you lived near the Manor Hotel. I definitely knew your sister in fact I bumped into her at an evening dinner for the market traders and we had a chat.

I was also on the trams so I probably knew Ivy. We all had to do a month on the trams while our bus conducting licences came through.

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Hi Albert - sorry but my mum didn't know how to thread a needle but she was a whizz at toffee apples. I'm pretty certain I know your sister Jean though but I can't put a face to the name yet but it will come. Is she the same age as me - coming up to 75?


You've got her. You'll note, I said my ELDERLY sister!!

Next time she's over this side of town I'll contact you.

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