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Did you live on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s?

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hi sheffguy,

I know of all the names you mentioned I was there at that time of your mum. She would know me Vera Pope, my mum served on the school dinners many years she was a big lady.

I lived 3 doors up from the school backing on to the seniors school yard and toilets. I have a photo of all in one of my classes and I remember every name. not too sure on you mums name though my sisters name was Grace. Teachers mr palfreyman seniors was Mr. Cliffe. Mr.rogers infants miss radcliffe mr russell goes on and on.

My friends surname ... harding lillaker bonsall straw taylor hinchcliffe just wondered if any bells are ringing.

Regards Vera.


I have just been talking to my mum and she remembers you. Speaking of Taylor she recalls someone of that name. She thinks it was Raymond Taylor and Brian Taylor. Do you remember a Vera Thompson? My mum has just met up with her after 50 years.

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By gum you've got some memory lad/lass, What year did you start? I started in 1938, a loooooooong time ago. I can remember a couple of names that's all; Laverne Pincott and Laurence Holland and I don't know why their names have stuck with me. I remember all the teachers, excepyt the blip I made in the first class. Mr bunting - the blight of my life!!!!!


Hi tatty dumps I'm definitely a lad :D


I started in 1946, so I supposed that I can be classed as a "chabby" compared to you, but it still seems a loooong time ago. I have only seen one of those classmates in possibly the last 40 years.

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You're welcome!


Here's a few more of my memories. Do you remember a previous post of yours regarding Standhouse School, where you said that the reception teacher was a Miss Gillot who became Mrs Jones? The Miss Jones who was my reception teacher got married and became Mrs Wall. I presume they must have been the same teacher.


The other teachers that I can remember were, Miss Asplin, Mrs Dodds, Mrs Barton, Miss Lant, Mrs Porter, Mr Rackham and Mr Hague. The headmistress was of course Miss Hartley. The caretaker was Mr Beeley.


Some of my classmates were, starting with the girls;

Pat Ackroyd, Elaine Bywater, Ann Eborall, Rita Franklin, Judith Harrison, Eileen Hope, Pauline Inckles, Barbara Malkin, Janet Metham and Jean Wright.

The boys;

Brian Allen, David Archer, Keith Barker, Ian Beever, Roy Bickerstaffe, Gerald Cowley, Brian Hallam, Alan Hill, Harry Hill, Raymond Howard, Kenneth Keys, Danny Leedham, George McLennan, Jimmy Rutherford, Barrie Savage, Peter Slinn and Derek Wright.


I confirm that Mr Bunting certainly let us know who was in charge of the Hastilar Road recreation ground.:D

we m,ust have been in the same class manorman, Istarted late at Standhouse, was in mr hagues class and the miss lants when Hague left, did you live near brian worsnop?
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Hi Sapper 211

Good to see you back on the site. I hope you are keeping well, give my love to Dorothy and tell her I miss our chats at Crystal Peaks. Also remember me to Mavis and Norman. Did I ever tell you Norman and I once went to the pictures together. Love Tatty Dumps.

P.S. I knew a Nora Batty who lived on Basseldine Road

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Hi tatty Dumps,

Dorothy thanks you for your best wishes,and the news of Norman and you, his wife will be ever so pleased :hihi: Mavis is a bit under the weather just at present but can`t help out as we are so far away.

It`s was great to think that you remember us after all this time, Dot says she would like to have a chat if thats okay with you.Are you in the phone book?

Manaman, is doing the same to me as I did to you when we first crossed paths on the forum,

Sapper 211 & Wifexx

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