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Did you live on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s?

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Hi Vera,

Have sent you a PM, the bit about Sheffield was a joke. I don`t live in Sheffield anymore,the missus and me moved in 1988 to Norfolk.

Can you tell me what year the photo was taken.there are a couple more teachers I`ve remembered since, they are Mr Smith science teacher(He once set his shoe on fire doing something with phospherous :hihi: ) Mr Hughes the woodwork teacher he threw a piece of wood at one of the lads(Eric Smith) for talking and Eric threw it back :o: . I think I remember a teacher taking us out rambling around Derbyshire Can`t remember his name, and Mrs. Long.

Here are a few more lads and lasses Grace Bonsall, Joan Hadfield,Audrey Sollit, Francis Hague,Ivy Homes, Beryl Smith,John Parker,Richard Pratt,Harry Holland,Tommy Marsden,Harry Bolsover,Walt Reaney,Tommy Bingham,Bobby Wragg,Ronnie Foster,Brian Walsh,Ernest Green, I know there were quite a few more but I would be here forever.

Do you remember home service, Where they took us to peoples houses for our lessons? That was during the war.

One last thing where abouts are you in Aus?

Best wishes Sapper211

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Hi Vera,

Have sent you a PM, the bit about Sheffield was a joke. I don`t live in Sheffield anymore,the missus and me moved in 1988 to Norfolk.

Can you tell me what year the photo was taken.there are a couple more teachers I`ve remembered since, they are Mr Smith science teacher(He once set his shoe on fire doing something with phospherous :hihi: ) Mr Hughes the woodwork teacher he threw a piece of wood at one of the lads(Eric Smith) for talking and Eric threw it back :o: . I think I remember a teacher taking us out rambling around Derbyshire Can`t remember his name, and Mrs. Long.

Here are a few more lads and lasses Grace Bonsall, Joan Hadfield,Audrey Sollit, Francis Hague,Ivy Homes, Beryl Smith,John Parker,Richard Pratt,Harry Holland,Tommy Marsden,Harry Bolsover,Walt Reaney,Tommy Bingham,Bobby Wragg,Ronnie Foster,Brian Walsh,Ernest Green, I know there were quite a few more but I would be here forever.

Do you remember home service, Where they took us to peoples houses for our lessons? That was during the war.

One last thing where abouts are you in Aus?

Best wishes Sapper211


Hi Sapper, Thanks for an interesting reply. Just wrote a lengthy reply but lost it somewhere? Anyway all those kids were in my class. I am looking at this pic of them all right now. Ecca Smith was the one who tormented me he sat next to me that is why I was always in trouble. we sat at the back row. Grace Bonsall a mate too Doreen Lillaker Betty Taylor my best friend yep I could go on too.Don't know the date of this pic taken on the playing fields just wondering if I can get one run off for you I will see. Bet you are on it. lol

We had home service in our front room when I lived down Atterclife I was 4 and a half. We were'nt allowed in there any other time. I started School at Huntsmans Garden at that age. To Finish.. I live in Lake Macquarie NSW Been here since 1963 when Sheff had the Big Freeze there.Looking forward to a pm from you.

Anyone who's name has been mentioned on here say Hello to us.

Regards Vera.

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Hi Vera,

Thanks for PM. I live in Norfolk UK not Norfolk USA. Burrill Lakes are about 230 miles south of where you are,the nephew moved out there in1957, t6he rest of the family stayed down in Victoria, they are still there.

I have kept a watching brief on the forum since 2005,and I put a post in about Crab Tree farm, and the old swimming pool as you went into Bowden House Stead woods.If you followed the path from Crabtree farm straight through the woods it would bring you out where the triangle estate is.

I don`t know if you use Google Earth at all but I use it quite a lot,if you down load the freebie software you can follow the some of the destruction of the old Manor Estate, thats how I knew how far you were from Burrill Lakes.

Well Vera that`s about it for now,


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Hi Vera,

Thanks for PM. I live in Norfolk UK not Norfolk USA. Burrill Lakes are about 230 miles south of where you are,the nephew moved out there in1957, t6he rest of the family stayed down in Victoria, they are still there.

I have kept a watching brief on the forum since 2005,and I put a post in about Crab Tree farm, and the old swimming pool as you went into Bowden House Stead woods.If you followed the path from Crabtree farm straight through the woods it would bring you out where the triangle estate is.

I don`t know if you use Google Earth at all but I use it quite a lot,if you down load the freebie software you can follow the some of the destruction of the old Manor Estate, thats how I knew how far you were from Burrill Lakes.

Well Vera that`s about it for now,



Hi There,

I am going to find the thread on the Farm should be interesting. Hm! used to get our best Bluebells from the woods. remember the the old fella who used to look after the baths I never swam there at all don't know who did. lol....

I have looked at that G. earth and couldn't follow it will get help with that one. I know my old house is now a carpark? Used to go to he Lyric and Bugs Hut and walk home thru the woods there. Pooh! wouldn't risk it these days no.

Cheers for now. Vera.

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You`ll find that post about Crabtree Farm dated 25/9/2007,in answer to one of posts.



Hi There, Found the threads ok that was a couple of years ago. I miss a lot when I don't check in regular. Yeh! the Woods lived at the farm too. Did you know the Gladwins Walt and Roy opposite Bradshaws house( school caretaker)

Eh do you remember Big Blackey the school dog that was always with the Hodgetts family.. Good to reminise when so far away from home I love to know whats happening since I dont have many connections there now. I have been home a couple of times but last time I only stayed 10 days. Nice to talking to you

Regards Vera.

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Hi , nuttycow13,

Can't remember much about the brown family think they might have lived at the other side of the reids, but I lived next door to the Reid family in 69/70 remember Mrs reid and son peter and his wife sylvia, believe there was also another son, was only told yesterday by one of their relatives, that sylvia had very recently died

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