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Did you live on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s?

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Hi , nuttycow13,

Can't remember much about the brown family think they might have lived at the other side of the reids, but I lived next door to the Reid family in 69/70 remember Mrs reid and son peter and his wife sylvia, believe there was also another son, was only told yesterday by one of their relatives, that sylvia had very recently died


hiya yes she died last week, funeral next tuesday/wednesday i think, The other son had a daughter who lived with mrs reid named susan who is my sister in law. Susan married Albert Browns oldest son michael.

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I remember the Brown family, I lived next door but one to them. Your father in law had his back garden full of rhubarb and he used to sell it in bunches for 6p or a shilling. I last saw Muriel about 30 years ago, she walked very badly but she always worked - she was working in an office at the top of Church street. I don't remember Ken very well he must have been older than me, I am 74. They lived next door to the Hobsons whose son was killed outside Stand House school and then there was us on the corner, next to the fish pond, the Turner family. On the other side there was the Robinson family, whose son , Bernard married Doris Hobson, sister of Edward the boy who was killed, they were childhood sweethearts and last time I saw them they were still very happy. Aaaaaah sweet memories.
hi babe just to let you know i am back up and running love j
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My dad was born in 1923 on the manor estate he lived on prince of walse road not sure of the number his mam and dad were called wilf and alice lister he had a sister called mary who died in 1926ish he lived there until just after the war when he met my mum they married in 1946 and went to live in grimesthorpe sheffield then they got there first house in 1954 at firth park both lived there until they both passed away my dad 1994 my mum 2007


Hi Glenowl,

Was you Dad Dougie Lister who lived on the right han side of POW Rd coming down,and before that on the Circle, if so i worked with him at Firth Browns and was a friend of his for a number of years before he went in the navy

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Hi Babsy,

I went to Standhouse and can remember the teachers names you listed. Miss Lant was my teacher for a while. I also remember your name and some of your other classmeates seem vaguely familiar. Maybe were in the same class? I have a photo somewhere of the school country dancing group... I think Carol Reaney was my partner....do you remember her?

I was six years old in '52 so that might help? Our class used to sell biscuits and choc marshmallows (for the school) in the corridor on the left-hand side as you went into the building.Another name just to mind was Lewis Titterton....ring any bells?

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More recent photos.

Memories of a very active happy, though poverty struck, childhood.

Add any comments. I attended Stand House from 1943(4?) till 46/47. when I graduated to luxury life style by living on the then, New Parson Cross.


The main big difference being was we did not have bugs climbing up the bedroom walls!! though we still had dicks (head lice) but after a few trips to the ' Dick Clinic ' on broughton Road, Owlerton, nr hillsborough Park to be treated with ' Derback Cream ?.


Derback Cream was a ointment which was easily smelt by everyone, So they knew where you had been. However, because you knew that they had not, you felt proud that they could have dicks, but you did not!!





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