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Did you live on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s?

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I was only saying to Sapper the other day, "I wonder if he's been barred?"

Welcome back Albert it's been very quiet without you. Have a look at the Mobility Scooter thread and you will know what I have been up to.


Give me the number and I'll follow it up.


In the early 1970s I started arguing for ALL roadside kerbstones to be dropped at all pedestrian access points. This would enable free movement for those who require to use wheelchairs Etc along with those in prams.


I believe that it is now the law. So if you find any obstruction to your mobility needs tell your councillors to get it solved.


Here are some pictures to bring back memories. Run mouse pointer over picture.





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  • 2 weeks later...
Were many on the forum born on or lived on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s.

If so, What are your childhood memories, Have you a inclination to find others who you went to school or played with? If you moved from the estate, where did you go to?

Did you attend Stand House Junior School, Pipworth Road, Prince of Wales or St Theresa.

Can you recall the raft on both pit ponds at the Manor Top?

Going to Ford via the Old Arrow?

The tossing Ring on the nunnery Pit tip?

Why has the manor estate now got a bad reputation when the people who live there now have got or own riches which as youngsters use to dream off. For me that was mainly acquiring a good meal!!


Do you remember this ryme that we use to chant about the Prince of Wales School Head:-


Old Pop Sephton, Was A Good Man,

He went to church on Sunday's.

He prayed to god,

To give him strength.

To cane ALL the kids

On Monday's!!


In years to come, Someone will write about the Manor Estate and be very pleased that you have left your contribution.

my granma Egley had a friend on the wybourn they call the family FIELDS BECK WAS THE MOTHERS NAME SHE HAD A FEW KIDS I THINK ONE WAS CALLED ROSE
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My mum Marina Fletcher nee Batty lived on 146 the circle, with her mum and dad and two sisters Elaine and Hazel. They all went to Pipworth Road School. It was in 1942 when my mum went there.


My mum's best friend was Vera Thompson and she lived on Raven Car Road.


There is a woman that lives in our villiage now who is called Freda Simmons nee Motram and she was at Pipworth Road School in 1937.


Does anyone remember any of these people? It would be nice of you to get in touch.

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  • 1 month later...

I Lived At 2 Woodthorpe Close, From 1935 -1959.

I Went To Standhouse School & Prince Edward. I Remember Headmasters

Sefton & Hancock .iwent To St Swithuns Sunday School & Was In The Cubs .

I Use To Buy My Kites From The Same Guy I Think We Called Them Jackmani Kites. I Also Use To Fish In The Pond. We Use To After Climb Over The Iron Fence. Did Anyone Know Terry Leary, Barry Hunt, Charlie Spriggs, Brian Horry, Ken Scott,

Roy Sellars,i Could Go On &on.

I Left Sheffield 1959 Went To Birmingham .then Went Canada In 1976 Still There.

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Woodthorpe Close 1935 - 1959. Sellars , Leary , Bramall , Steel, Ludlum, Hunt. Duckenfeild Thats All I Can Remember, A Close Freind In Cary Rd Was Derek Wright,& One In Basseldene Rd Brian Horry. I Have Photos With Both Of Them In Fiftys.


Do you remember the Turner brothers, Carl, Alan, and Brian. They were always up Woodthorpe Close, usually throwing stones at me, their little sister.

Fred Hallam is one name I remember. I too have a photo of the gang on a day trip to the seaside.

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i can remember charlie spriggs i used to live next door to his mum when i was a little girl .Mrs Spriggs used to look after my sister and myself in the school holidays whiole my mum and dad were at work.I think he married a girl called Margaret horry who lived down Bassledene road.I used to bump into charlie every now and then in town.But i havnt seen him for years .He must be well into his 70s by now

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