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Did you live on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s?

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i was born on the manor 1935 went to standhouse & prince edward.


Roy I have just seen your comment as above. I did reply to your private message through this forum did you receive it .I am Cyrils sister so you will know who I am.Ron Grimley lives in Westbury in Wiltshire as I do.I dont know how to send personal messages and am reluctant to put too much info.


Kinnds regards and best wishes download

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I am still searching for the Hudson family who lived on the Manor Estate. They lived at Ravenscarr Road. The parents were Ernest and Annie Beatrice(Beatie) Hudson and the children were Ernest born 1921 and Alice born 1924. Beatie was at one time a barmaid or pub manager in Sheffield. They were amongst the first families to move onto the estate, I believe.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you

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I am still searching for the Hudson family who lived on the Manor Estate. They lived at Ravenscarr Road. The parents were Ernest and Annie Beatrice(Beatie) Hudson and the children were Ernest born 1921 and Alice born 1924. Beatie was at one time a barmaid or pub manager in Sheffield. They were amongst the first families to move onto the estate, I believe.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you


hiya my grand parents lived on paulet rd from the 20s to sometime in the early 60s their name was white and lived at no 60. the hed 8 children, bill dick, harry, clara, mary, kath, margaret, ruth, i remember some of their neighbours names from the time i went to see them in the 40s to 60s, there was the johnsons, mr ,mrs haythorne next doorn there was the watsons, kenny, and the minnards, jimmy minnard worked at laycock the same time as me.grandad died in 1953, he worked on waterworks.

Edited by willybite
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Were many on the forum born on or lived on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s.

If so, What are your childhood memories, Have you a inclination to find others who you went to school or played with? If you moved from the estate, where did you go to?

Did you attend Stand House Junior School, Pipworth Road, Prince of Wales or St Theresa.

Can you recall the raft on both pit ponds at the Manor Top?

Going to Ford via the Old Arrow?

The tossing Ring on the nunnery Pit tip?

Why has the manor estate now got a bad reputation when the people who live there now have got or own riches which as youngsters use to dream off. For me that was mainly acquiring a good meal!!


Do you remember this ryme that we use to chant about the Prince of Wales School Head:-


Old Pop Sephton, Was A Good Man,

He went to church on Sunday's.

He prayed to god,

To give him strength.

To cane ALL the kids

On Monday's!!


In years to come, Someone will write about the Manor Estate and be very pleased that you have left your contribution.


Two of six of my relatives were born on the Manor during the war years when it was a community. They remember the drone of the German Bombers coming over and running into the Anderson shelters. The Searchlights lighting the next sky and the sounds of Ack-Ack and the whistles of bombs being dropped.

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