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Did you live on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s?

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What year was the Steel Inn built Lazarus? I lived at 169 Harborough Ave from 1961 to '66.

I cant remember the exact year but it was around 1953/54




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Edited by lazarus
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I wasn't born till 1972 but I did live on the manor until 1983ish! My gran was born in 1923 and moved onto the manor estate in 1927 when the building of the council estate was all but complete. She lived at 65 The Circle with her parents Harry Jackson and Charlotte Jackson (otherwise Bell)! She had a sister called Annie was born in 1921. Harry Jackson was a builder and was also a serial womaniser! It is rumoured that he had lots of women and we believe probably a few kids from his various "flings"! Charlotte was forever throwing him out and recently we've been told the reason he could never marry Charlotte was that he was already married to someone else but we aren't 100% certain. Charlotte and Harry both died in 1953 and my gran who married my grandad in 1948 continued to live in that house until 2001 when my gran had to move because they were pulling the houses down, my grandad died in 1982 and was quite popular, especially in the mote hall pub! His name was willis smith, my gran and grandad had 4 children - Joyce, Margaret, barry and carol, they all went to pipworth school except for carol who did her senior years at hurlfield. My gran is still with us at the age of 89 and now lives at woodhouse, sadly she is now in the last stages of Alzheimer's .

It would be great if someone could fill in the gaps or even if anyone knows any of the stories regarding Harry.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Were many on the forum born on or lived on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s.

If so, What are your childhood memories, Have you a inclination to find others who you went to school or played with? If you moved from the estate, where did you go to?

Did you attend Stand House Junior School, Pipworth Road, Prince of Wales or St Theresa.

Can you recall the raft on both pit ponds at the Manor Top?

Going to Ford via the Old Arrow?

The tossing Ring on the nunnery Pit tip?

Why has the manor estate now got a bad reputation when the people who live there now have got or own riches which as youngsters use to dream off. For me that was mainly acquiring a good meal!!


Do you remember this ryme that we use to chant about the Prince of Wales School Head:-


Old Pop Sephton, Was A Good Man,

He went to church on Sunday's.

He prayed to god,

To give him strength.

To cane ALL the kids

On Monday's!!


In years to come, Someone will write about the Manor Estate and be very pleased that you have left your contribution.


my kids went to prince Edwards

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  • 4 months later...

I lived on the Manor Estate in the 1950s/60s until I left to work in Leeds in 1964. Our house was on Fitzhubert Road, directly behind the church and looked out on to Scotia Close.I remember the fish shop, the post office.

Edited by fitzhubert
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  • 5 months later...

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