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Did you live on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s?

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My parents went to live on Waltheof Rd in Sept1925 when i was 15 months old(i will be 83 come 1st june) I remember Standhouse Farm being there before the school was built,my first school was the Wooden Huts which was on Queen Mary Rd near to the junction with Wulfric Rd,I went to Standhouse school when that opened the teachers i remember are Miss Vere and Miss Dodds, i got the job of ringing the school bell in a morning mainly because i lived near to the school and because i was a big lad.I then went to Prince Edward School in 1935,where i had a few strokes of the cane from the infamous Percy Sefton,once for breaking a window with a cricket ball. There used to be a Jazz Band go on Waltheof Rd on a sunday morning all dressed in multi coloured clothing,they went down to play in a field at the back of the cemetery ,which was duly named as the jazz band field


Kingfisher, I have read somewhere that you remember cattle being taken to the fields where Waltheof school is now. What happened to the old farm? Did it fall into disrepair. There used to be an old tree stump (now dug up) near the corner of Prince of Wales Road and Beaumont Road North. I was told the tree was in/on the farm. Is this true?

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Hi Steve,

The cattle from Standhouse farm use to be taken along Waltheof Rd to the fields at the backside of the cemetery,which is a long way from where Waltheof School now stands,I dont know what condition the farm was in ,I was only 5 years old when it was demolished.but i do remember a chap coming round with a milk can and 1/2 pint and pint measures and selling milk

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Does anyone remember the old man who lived in his shed on the allotments at the back of Queen Mary road40. He had his patch right next to the stream that ran through the middle but nearer the back of the cemetery. I am talking about the 40's and I think the man was Irish. He was a nice chap and all the kids used to go and talk to him. I don't think that could happen now.

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The chip shop on Fairleigh across from the Post Office was kept by Locketts for years before Hagues took over,i used to dash from school on a friday for a pennorth and a penny fish 3 times (with plenty of scraps on),the Post Office was kept by Swanns next door was Smiths green grocery shop,then came Gebhards at the corner of Windy House.Lower down Fairleigh was Broughs grocery shop with Hirsts newsagents,that became a shoe repair shop when Hirsts had a new shop built at the corner of Cullabine Rd Around 1938 On the other side of Fairleigh was the Coop grocery with a chemist shop along side,between there and the Maypole was Airies who ran a firework club for the kids,does anyone remember the bald headed manager in the Maypole it was a treat to watch him with the butter slappers.At the top side of the Graves Trust houses was Watsons sweet shop with a chip shop along side of it,there would be a queue down Wulfric Rd outside Lockets but no one would go to Watsons.Allens butchers Shop was at the corner of Windy House Lane

If anyone has,nt read Malcolm Mercers Manor In The Thirties it is well worth reading,that is if it is available now,it was the best Xmas present i had


Thank you ' Kingfisher ' for correcting my #069 Posting regarding the location of the Shops. I now know that your posting is the correct one.

I'm going to try to obtain the book so could you give me a bit more information regarding: Publisher & Date.

Did Malcolm Mercer live on the left-hand side of Windy House Lane, above the Fairleigh Shops, going towards City Road?

Can anyone recollect the names of any of the variety shows that were staged at the Arbourthorne Working Mans Club?

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Does anyone remember the old man who lived in his shed on the allotments at the back of Queen Mary road40. He had his patch right next to the stream that ran through the middle but nearer the back of the cemetery. I am talking about the 40's and I think the man was Irish. He was a nice chap and all the kids used to go and talk to him. I don't think that could happen now.


I've vague recollection of the Shed or Caravan. It had a chimney obviously from a stove somewhere inside. I was very young so I can't recall who lived in the Hut/Caravan. More of interest's why did he? I hope someone can add to this.

Did anyone buy kites from someone who lived on Raynald Road? Was he the blind man who lived in a house not far away from Stand House School?

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Thanks for the confirmation regarding the incendiary bombs being dropped on the Community Hall along with my Family, friends and myself!!

I wonder which bloke dropped them!! though I expect he got some back by return!.


During the war I remember going to that Salvation Army Centre where we would sing a song called. ' Deep and Wide '. I can recall the tune but not the words. When we left a man on either, ' Fire watch or Aircraft watch ', would often tell us to get home quick and into the air raid shelter because,' The German Bombers were on the way '. Usually he was correct. Can you recollect him? (or anyone else)


Was Dr. Halle's wife called Jenny?

We also went to a house near to the Rec. I believe at the top of the hill on Fretson Road.

I called it ' The Rec-ab-bites or something like that. Why we went I'll never know except it was free and we stood a good chance of getting a bit of cake!!. '( Owt for nowt' ).


Your question about the name of Dr. Halle's wife it was Francis, my wifes gran was housekeeper to the listers and then housekeeper/nanny to the Halle's

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I've vague recollection of the Shed or Caravan. It had a chimney obviously from a stove somewhere inside. I was very young so I can't recall who lived in the Hut/Caravan. More of interest's why did he? I hope someone can add to this.

Did anyone buy kites from someone who lived on Raynald Road? Was he the blind man who lived in a house not far away from Stand House School?


I too can remember the chimney and I also am old (73) so things are vague. I always played with my three brothers and can remember going inside. It looked very comfortable - from a child's eyes. He smoked a pipe and I once asked him why he hadn't got a house and why he lived there. I can recall his answer very well, "Why not", even though I didn't understand it.

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Thank you ' Kingfisher ' for correcting my #069 Posting regarding the location of the Shops. I now know that your posting is the correct one.

I'm going to try to obtain the book so could you give me a bit more information regarding: Publisher & Date.

Did Malcolm Mercer live on the left-hand side of Windy House Lane, above the Fairleigh Shops, going towards City Road?

Can anyone recollect the names of any of the variety shows that were staged at the Arbourthorne Working Mans Club?


I did,nt know Malcolm Mercer personally but he attended Pipworth Rd School so i imagine that he lived at the lower Manor end ,He was also Head teacher at Parson Cross School and has written several books about local; historyI have seen several references to Brian Starr, did he have a brother named Bernard ,I know there was a sister called Grace who was a tram clippie during the war. There was also the Stones family who lived at the last house before Fitzhubert Rd.Betty Stones lived there long after the rest of the family had gone

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I too can remember the chimney and I also am old (73) so things are vague. I always played with my three brothers and can remember going inside. It looked very comfortable - from a child's eyes. He smoked a pipe and I once asked him why he hadn't got a house and why he lived there. I can recall his answer very well, "Why not", even though I didn't understand it.


hey mavis thats not old age is just a number

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"The fireman watch or Aircraft watch" I think would be the "Air Raid Wardens". My father was one of these, Archie Turner and he worked alongside Mr Mercer. I think that would be Malcom's father. I once did some research for Sociology and was advised to visit Stand House School where they had a local history group. The first person I spoke to was Malcom.

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