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Did you live on the Manor Estate in the 1930s - 50s?

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On 17/05/2007 at 14:32, Buster said:

I lived at no. 5 Archdale Place in the early 50's and went to Standhouse school just up the road. Mr Rackham, Miss Lant are a couple of teachers I can recall. We sometimes used to listen to a radio program,, detective serial I think which was "piped" around the classrooms! Mr Rackham used to march us in military style from the playground into the school and always carried his cane , just in case! I seem to remember some buildings at the bottom of the rear playground which I think may have been air raid shelters?

Remember the upstaires Barber on Saturdays and the short back and sides. Fairleigh shops? Fishing pond and all that frogspawn. my two elder sisters used to scare me when we went on the Manor fields with Ghost stories about Mary Queen of Scots, Castle and secret tunnels.....

There was a guy who made paper Kites on Faileigh anyone remember him?

I was married in St Swithuns Church in 1968 I think it is no longer?

Is the School still there?

I well remember the kite man, wasn't it October / November time when he sold them? Fairleigh was part of my route to St Theresa's school.

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On 18/02/2014 at 22:32, fitzhubert said:

I lived on the Manor Estate in the 1950s/60s until I left to work in Leeds in 1964. Our house was on Fitzhubert Road, directly behind the church and looked out on to Scotia Close.I remember the fish shop, the post office.

I knew a Carol Inglis who lived on Fitzhubert way back in 1960.


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