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Any Fibromyalgia sufferers out there?

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I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic fatigue syndrome. I have found homeopathy to be the biggest help, and recently have had a trial of reflexology which had an amazing effect the first time (4 weeks of energy and no pain :)) but which has got less effectual as it has gone on.


Sheffield ME group is very helpful for people with any of the above conditions.



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I was diagnosed with fybromyalgia some years ago, my g.p is very good where treatment of my condition is concerned,i am very fortunate compared to alot of people whose g.p's have little or no understanding of this condition. I find gentle exercise helps alot and my g.p has given me information on a programme that is run by most of the sports centres in sheffield designed for people with fybro and similar conditions.It is a 6 week free programme where you get to attend and do exercise even yoga if you wish, you have to be reffered by your g.p. I know how difficult it is for people to understand what is wrong as like you said one day you feel like you can tackle anything and the next day you can hardly move. Feel free to p.m me if you need to know anything at all or just want a chat:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, both me and my house-mate have this puppy.Whilst the constant pain can be a complete bugger, the real sod's the complete lack of ability to move somedays (regardless of whether it hurts or not), the lack of sleep, and the fact that if you hurt yourself somehow, sometimes it just won't fix (my knee's screwed from a sprain over 3 years ago). I've found that Amytriptaline (?) can help me sleep, which is a big help. Help's me wake up feeling like I actually slept, which is a big bonus, personally. From what I can find about Amy-trip-ty-whatsit, it is a tri-cyclic anti-depresant (and don't get me started about them) in doses over 150-175 milligrammes, but in small doses, it works as a mild painkiller. I'm on 10mg before bed (when I remember to get it) which helps me no end. Must get off me backside and get more. On the depression point, it turns out fibromyalgia is a real double-edged sword. Not only does it make you feel like crap (depressing enough) , but it messes with your body/brain chemistry enough that your brain just doesn't quite go right (or so I'm told). 2 lots of depression at once. Aparrently, I got lucky. Not only did it only take 15 years or so to be diagnosed, but I ended up with a GP who's considered one of the local expert's on the condition, and when I was refered to the Rhuematologist (?) she told me there was no such condition, while telling my GP that I was a definate sufferer. One of the GP's at my local doc's told me that the main reason Fibromyalgia (apparently also known as non-viral ME) is classified as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (or at least one of 'em), is that most folks have heard of CFS, but nobody's heard of FM. Meh.


Pardon the mild waffle-ing, I found this thread after I got in from a night out, lol.

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Hi there


Fibromyalgia is a real condition - the DoH issued information to all GPs about this a few years ago, however many GPs are ignorant and see it as hypochondia or depression etc (if this is what your GP says you need to find another one!!).


Fibromyalgia is usually diagnosed by a rheumatologist and not a GP, however if you think you have this condition you really need a referral to an endocrinologist because in many cases fibromyalgia is really poor thyroid function! Most GPs dont understand this and will test your thyroid by performing a TSH test - they will tell you the result is normal if it falls in the reference range irrespective of your symptoms. There are a lot of politics around this and I for one have taken over 3 years to be given effective treatment (levothyroxine)! You must not accept a diagnosis of fibromyalgia without having the actual thyroid hormone levels checked (free T3 and T4). In some cases fibromyalgia is a result of the body's inability to convert the thyroid hormones in the body in a way that the body can use. Fibromyalgia can also be caused by a pituitary problem - this is quite rare and if this is the case you are very likely to struggle for a real diagnosis without the t3 and t4 being checked. You can get these blood tests done quite reasonably (£33 for TSH and free T3 and T4) through NPTECH labs (on the web).


You can probably tell that this is my hobby horse! If you want further information there is a very very good group on the internet called TPA UK. Incidentally Prof Weetman in Sheffield is president of the British Thyroid Assoc who take a hard line on the normal range - although in May he did write an article saying that the ref ranges were not the same as normal ranges and symptoms should be considered as well. Dr Burrows in Huddersfield is forward thinking and looks at symptoms as well and under patient choice you can ask for a referral to him!!

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Person I run a web forum with has Fibro - stress is their main trigger but she pretty much leads a normal life apart from the very occasional instance.


They promote this site which is meant to be very helpful:

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Amitryptilene isn't it an anti deppresent?


In large doses amitriptyline is an antidepressant, but used in smaller doses it's a valuable painkiller, especially for people who can't take morphine or who have neurogenic pain (both apply to me).


I only take 37.5mg of amitriptyline daily- whereas most people who take it for depression take anything from 150-450mg daily.

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  • 2 months later...
Person I run a web forum with has Fibro - stress is their main trigger but she pretty much leads a normal life apart from the very occasional instance.


They promote this site which is meant to be very helpful:


my mate says his dr said hes got this but needs proof for incapacity benefits and his dr says that even a rheumatologist doesn't have a fixed test for this disease its made him depressed and stress knocks the hell out of him and he not a guy you would call soft before he got it

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