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Any Fibromyalgia sufferers out there?

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  • 1 year later...

Im new to this internet thing, i suffer fibromyalgia, i was told that it was all in my head by the dwp until i went to the hospital, they told me the disease does exist and they printed me 4 sheets of info from the nhs website. i had it for 3 years until i was diognosed with the condition, the hospital told me that there is no cure, the only thing the doctor gave me was very strong pain killers which im currently taking. also there is a support group at st james house in town, the next meeting is on 16th of feb at 10:30.

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  • 5 months later...

I was diagnosed last year after many years of pain, - many visits to

hospitals and gps making me feel like I wasn't believed. But have the support

of a wonderful gp now and with different pain killers get through each

day as best as I can.

Also fantastic support from the people on this website;



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To the poster who said 'mymothers GP says there is no such things as fibro' clearly doesn't know what he is talking about, in fact he is talking out of his a****e. Glad he is not my GP. A family member has suffered for years, it is a very debilitating illness. There is no cure, and is seems only to be treatable (to a degree) with drugs. Anybody who has it has my deepest sympathy.

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I did a pain management course at Hallamshires pain clinic, I think they deal with Fibro quite a bit there.


Don't know about now- I was diagnosed last year and the only help

I got was a leaflet and discharged to my GP care:rolleyes::

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Don't know about now- I was diagnosed last year and the only help

I got was a leaflet and discharged to my GP care:rolleyes::


Hi Pinkgirl,

Ask your doctor for a referral to the ME clinic at Fairlawns (Middlewood). They will do an assessment of your condition and offer various options such as CBT, structured exercise, a welfare appointment to help with claiming benefits if necessary and a 6 week course about living with ME.

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Hi Pinkgirl,

Ask your doctor for a referral to the ME clinic at Fairlawns (Middlewood). They will do an assessment of your condition and offer various options such as CBT, structured exercise, a welfare appointment to help with claiming benefits if necessary and a 6 week course about living with ME.


hi i suffer with fibro and have tried to claim dla as i have really bad back and am confined to bed with it on times had another emp visit yest waitin now to hear whether they will allow dla!

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  • 8 months later...

Hi, i have recently been diagnosed with this illness. Im 21 and have had the symptoms for as long as i can remember, i think the dr only sent me to a specialist because she was fed up of seeing me lol. Once id been diagnosed my doctor told me there wasnt really anythig they could do for me by way of medication. She just told me to keep taking Ibuprofen and quite rudely told me to buy some vitamions "because they might help!" Since then i have changed doctors. My new doctor tried me on Ampitriptyline, iv found that didnt really do anything. Im now trying out Nortriptyline, i havent been taking it long enough to tell you whether its really helping or not. The one thing that im finding really difficult is money. Nobody really wants to hire me for work so i tried the jobcentre, they advised me to go onto E.S.A (incapacity benefit.) Iv been waiting weeks for them to sort it out and iv had no money. They also want to send me for a medical assesment to see what work i am capable of. Are there any jobs out there that people with fibromyalgia can do?

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I do send my sympathy to you. My daughter is a sufferer, and is in agony most of the time, I stand corrected, ALL of the time. She can't work, as she never knows from one day to the next how bad the pain is going to be. As she puts it, bad days and days that are even worse. She is quite lucky in so much as she has a good Dr, but it has been a struggle as most of them don't have much knowledge of this illness. The first Dr she saw, was useless, told her to loose weight, and do some excersise, she then found a very informative book (have to say this is years ago) slapped it in front of the Dr and told HIM what she had got. Stress plays a major part in her case, seems ironic that other peoples awful behaviour has left her ill. Keep on at your Dr and anyone else. It is becoming more recognisable now, I know of others who have had an official diagnosis. GOod luck and stay strong!

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Hi i'm 24,was diagnosedwith fibromyalgia at 19 after been tested for Systemic Lupus Erythematosis as I had all the symptons of it and when some lupus criteria showed in the blood was diagnosed with discoid lupus. My famuly and friends don't understand the condition and think that when i look fine that means I am, i dont think they understand just how much pain i am in, my gp said theres no treatment but has prescribed amitryptiline for pain and citalopram for depression, anxiety and panic attacks. I have a 16month old daughter and often feel guilty when family have to help look after her when im really really bad as i feel i should be able to look after her myself no matter what. It's an awful condition to live with, and i wish there was more help for sufferers out there i feel i've just been left in limbo.

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