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Any Fibromyalgia sufferers out there?

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hi all i have fibromyalgia and was recently diagnosed with seronegative arthritis in various joints including my chest (sternum) n ribs the problem i have is that i cannnot get dla and spend days in bed where i cant move with the muscle spasms in my back n neck its a bloody nightmare i have an appeal for dla coming up relatively soon but am a bit apprehensive on what i should do in regards to attending myself or if the day comes an im in agony the thing is they think your putting it on for your hearing i mean they dont examine you oly go on what youve written to them i am also go through a complaints procedure with ATOS healthcare about the emp doctor who came to visit as he basically called me a liar there is no way i would wish to be stuck in day after day im only 40 and used to run 10 miles every other day !!! any suggestions o the appeal??

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I have me/cfs and I hate it I am feeling rather down at the moment even had silly thoughts like ending it.

I have been to the Drs he gave me those amertriptelyn which make me even more zombied.

I have been to the meetings but they are in the afternoons and I am wiped out.

I get pain everywhere too.

I want to have an healthy glow and do things like other people seem to do not have to pace myself.





Excuse the spelling and whatever else sorry.

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Did anyone else see Dr Chris Jones on a programme today, might have been This Morning, saying that many people have been misdiagnosed with things like Fibromyalgia and ME, chronic fatigue etc etc, when actually they're suffering from under active thyroid?


I've believed for years that I have this condition and been for several tests over the yeats all coming back normal. He says that a normal result is not necessarily correct and that you should keep pushing to see an specialist. There are at least 95 different physical conditions that can indicate it! :o


Not saying that any of your diagnoses have been wrong but it's certainly made me determined to try to get another better test done and soon. I'm constantly tired, overweight despite not overeating and eating healthily, have a croaky voice a lot of the time, bad memory, depression etc etc.

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  • 1 year later...

I am sure many on this site have had the run around from their gp. My gp wont refer me to a rheumotolgist or pain clinic, even though I have daily pain and fatigue. Its as if he thinks I want to take co codomol every day to help the pain. I dont, I want a proper care plan, help with managing the pain and getting my life back. This illness has changed my life, I cant even take the dog out on my own now as I cant hold the lead if he starts to show off, and believe me walking with the dog is one of my favourite things. I cant take amytripaline as it hangs me over, like a zombie next day, but he says its impossible to feel like this on a low dose... he should try it. I have just written a complaint to the gp practice manager saying I feel that its reasonable to have a referal to the pain clinic and a rheumatologist after this length of time. I am not expecting good results and wonder what my reception will be next time I go to surgery, but I am at the end of my tether.

Hope all sufferers have a relatively pain free day.

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  • 5 months later...

My nan, my aunt and mother in law all have fibromyalgia.

My mother in law has complained for years about fatigue and pain and the doctor kept chucking her more pain killers and sending her home.


They also kept saying it was depression but after my nan and aunt was diagnosed with this.

I knew the symptoms well, and told my mother in law about it. She had never heard of it and yesterday she went back to doctors for blood test results.

They have said she has Fibromyalgia to, looking at her test results. And that she has to go some clinic for more tests and they will properly confirm it.


She feels so relieved now cos she felt like she was going mad.

She has not stopped thanking me, I think more people should be made aware to fibromyalgia.


I heard it is hereditary but if that's true or not I am unsure??

I am just glad my mother in law will finally get the help she needs after so long suffering alone. :)

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I have had fibromyalgia for a long time but the diagnosis was finally made 5 years ago. I also have a lot of other conditions which are common in people with fibro such as IBS. To add a little interest to the mix I was diagnosed earlier this year with osteo arthritis.

Pacing yourself is the hardest thing to do but also the most important because if you take on too much on the days when you feel as though you could do anything it will come back and bite you on the backside big time.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi I have recently been diagnosed with FM. The pain is totally unbearable. The DR put me on amatripytaline but i put on lots of weight so have decided to stop this. iv been given tramadol which is great in the short term for the pain but i would like to try some alternative therepies. Does anyone know a good ostopath or acepunture or place for a really good massage?


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