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Any Fibromyalgia sufferers out there?

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No fibro and osteoarthritis are different. Fibro doesnt physically damage the joints for one thing. I have both and the symptoms of one do overlap the other. When it comes to the pain it is hard to know which one is causing it most of the time.

It is possible that you have fibro as well but it may be depression as that is common due to the pain. You need to see your GP and have a chat about it.


Thanks wornout53, yes I've tried CBT twice but it didn't help me, that's all the doc suggests and I'm not going down the Amatriptaline sp? road..so I try meditation exercises may be my imagination but they do seem to help...:)

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Thanks wornout53, yes I've tried CBT twice but it didn't help me, that's all the doc suggests and I'm not going down the sp? road..so I try meditation exercises may be my imagination but they do seem to help...:)


my doctor gave me trazadone, as a replacement for amytriptaline. i found them to be much better. mind you in the morning it does take a big effort to get going!

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  • 3 months later...


If anyone's interested I run a self help/social club for people who suffer from chronic pain/chronic fatigue etc. Many of us, including myself have fibromyalgia.


We meet on the last Monday of each month - tomorrow (Monday 25th February) at the Carlton Park Hotel, Rotherham. There is no charge, people just pay for their own drinks at the bar and a pub lunch if required. New members welcome! We are a small, friendly group. Our website is http://www.southyorkshirefoggyfriends.co.uk


Every Thursday evening, we offer hydrotherapy sessions at The Park Rehabilitation centre, Badsley Moor Lane, Rotherham S65 2QL. It is a NHS Pool and is big enough to swim in. The relief from being in the water is BLISS!!! I could even sort out a lift for at least one person from Pond Street each week, if required.


Also, regards pain relief and good consultants - some of us travel to Chester to see a fab pain consultant - Dr Logan. I have recently had a lignocaine infusion and I'm just entering my second week of feeling well :)


I also visit the M.S. Therapy Centre in Catcliffe, as you don't have to suffer from M.S. to go there. They offer various therapies and support including High Dosage Oxygen Therapy, sometimes known as Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. I can definitely recommend the oxygen to help with pain and brainfog.

Their website is http://www.mstherapysyorks.co.uk/


Feel free to get in touch. We have loads of info to share.



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Hello Shaz I have suffered from fibro since I was 12 .Do you know if there are any similar treatment places in Sheffield .Really struggling with fatigue at the moment and pain ,could do with some therapy but none offered by my GP .Thanks in advance .

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As I mentioned - the M.S Centre is in Sheffield, but for actual sympathetic NHS consultant's - the nearest decent Pain management clinics that I can recommend are Bassetlaw (Worksop) or Mexborough (Doncaster).

I realise it can be difficult to get to appointments, groups etc if you have no transport. I'm lucky, my husband ferries me around most of the time. You can ask your GP for a referral and community transport would probably take you there.


---------- Post added 24-02-2013 at 18:42 ----------


You should also ask your GP for a referral for hydrotherapy with a physio.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hoping to get a referral to the pain clinic in Sheffield tonight at GPs, as I work at the Northern Genereal Hospital, so will be able to get there easy. I have considered asking about Pinderfields, as it has so much going for it, so if this doesn't work, its Hi Ho off to Wakefield we go!


I have been on Amitripyline for around 8 yeras now, and my pain at night has increased over this last year. I don't really want to up my dose, and do not want to strain my liver further with painkillers, so hopefully they will have a good idea there.


Does anyone have any experience of the pain clinic at sheffield?


The 6 week Fibro course at Pinderfields looks good, but looking at the criteria to get on it, I think I may be too well !! :-) but we'll see. It also (without the exercise) seems to be a bit like the expert patient program, so I might get some benefit out of the aqua sessions (as suggested earlier) close by.


X Hugs Glenys

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was reading up on the symptoms of fibromyalgia today cos have I had unexplained pains in neck, shoulders, elbow, muscle aches, knees, extreme tiredness even when slept well. I do wake up during the night and sometimes find it hard to get back to sleep. I have had a twitching right eyelid for weeks, I have jaw pain, I'm always cold, especially my hands and feet, forget words for simple things sometimes, headaches, tension and migraines. I went to docs other day mainly for my elbow cos I thought it was tennis elbow, she said it could be, didn't mention other things cos she wasn't really listening and fobbed me off with ibuprofen gel, going for blood tests Monday to rule out arthritis. For the sufferers on here, does it sound like I may have the condition? I know people take years to get diagnosed and if you go to docs saying it might be this they still don't seem to listen, what to do.

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Hoping to get a referral to the pain clinic in Sheffield tonight at GPs, as I work at the Northern Genereal Hospital, so will be able to get there easy. I have considered asking about Pinderfields, as it has so much going for it, so if this doesn't work, its Hi Ho off to Wakefield we go!


I have been on Amitripyline for around 8 yeras now, and my pain at night has increased over this last year. I don't really want to up my dose, and do not want to strain my liver further with painkillers, so hopefully they will have a good idea there.


Does anyone have any experience of the pain clinic at sheffield?


The 6 week Fibro course at Pinderfields looks good, but looking at the criteria to get on it, I think I may be too well !! :-) but we'll see. It also (without the exercise) seems to be a bit like the expert patient program, so I might get some benefit out of the aqua sessions (as suggested earlier) close by.


X Hugs Glenys


I went to the pain clinic at the Northern a few years ago . I attended a day course ,it was interesting but not much help .It was all about training your brain to ignore pain .I was the only one there with Fibro everyone else had been in accidents ,so bad backs ,leg pain totally different to the pain we experience .I tried acupuncture I reacted very quickly when the pins went in ,the therapist said she said she had never seen a reaction so quickly ,unfortunately the reaction was a bad response .It made my pain worse ,i persevered and finished the course but made it worse .I then tried the tens machine same thing happened.Everyone is different ,the thing is with the clinic they do have things to try so it's worth a try .Good luck keep us up to date .

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I was reading up on the symptoms of fibromyalgia today cos have I had unexplained pains in neck, shoulders, elbow, muscle aches, knees, extreme tiredness even when slept well. I do wake up during the night and sometimes find it hard to get back to sleep. I have had a twitching right eyelid for weeks, I have jaw pain, I'm always cold, especially my hands and feet, forget words for simple things sometimes, headaches, tension and migraines. I went to docs other day mainly for my elbow cos I thought it was tennis elbow, she said it could be, didn't mention other things cos she wasn't really listening and fobbed me off with ibuprofen gel, going for blood tests Monday to rule out arthritis. For the sufferers on here, does it sound like I may have the condition? I know people take years to get diagnosed and if you go to docs saying it might be this they still don't seem to listen, what to do.


Sounds to me like you might have fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome / M.E. or possibly both. They often go hand in hand and it sounds like you have elements of both.

You could try asking your GP to refer you to the health clinic at Fairlawns on Middlewood Road. They use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to help you, and are very good, but even then I've found self help to be the most useful, ie trying to find what works best for you.

If it is Fibro or CFS you need to push hard for a diagnosis and for that you need a sympathetic doctor - a lot have no real idea what it is. Get in touch with the Sheffield ME society - they have a list.


PM me if you think I can help in any way.

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