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Any Fibromyalgia sufferers out there?

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Ive just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia I'd never heard of it just starting to find the right medication pretty bad just now having to change my life around so much at the moment I've had it 5 months which is nothing compared to some but it just came on in a week still really shocked and angry

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Hi Poppi


We have a fibromyalgia support group in Sheffield, which meets on a monday once a month in the Quaker Meeting house (on St James street, Just above Campo lane to the side of the cathederal) - in fact the next meet is this Monday at 10;00.


We also meet at Eten cafe from time to time (at the other side of the cathederal) for lunch.


It is quite informative, and we are a friendly bunch, so feel free to check us out if you are feeling up to it :-)




---------- Post added 13-09-2013 at 13:59 ----------


I was reading up on the symptoms of fibromyalgia today cos have I had unexplained pains in neck, shoulders, elbow, muscle aches, knees, extreme tiredness even when slept well. I do wake up during the night and sometimes find it hard to get back to sleep. I have had a twitching right eyelid for weeks, I have jaw pain, I'm always cold, especially my hands and feet, forget words for simple things sometimes, headaches, tension and migraines. I went to docs other day mainly for my elbow cos I thought it was tennis elbow, she said it could be, didn't mention other things cos she wasn't really listening and fobbed me off with ibuprofen gel, going for blood tests Monday to rule out arthritis. For the sufferers on here, does it sound like I may have the condition? I know people take years to get diagnosed and if you go to docs saying it might be this they still don't seem to listen, what to do.


Hi Jilly

Hope you got sorted out. I have just had tennis elbow too, so know how frustrating it is.


If your doctor is up for it, he can do many tests on you, if you give him/her a list of the symptoms to rule out any other conditions, such as anaemia, thyroid (very similar symptoms), diabetes (fluctuations in energy, fatigue, leg pains), vitamin d deficiency (fatigue and joint pain), liver tests (Very similar symptoms), and a host of other things.


Sometimes doctors "freeze up" if you tell them that you think you have fibromyalgia at first meeting them, so it is best to let them do the other tests first, based on your symptoms, then if nothing is found, then discuss it.


But you must get it sorted, and if you have been diagnosed with fibro and the treatments do not help - persevere, as not everyone responds to some medications all the time. Also any NEW symptoms (or symptoms not relieved by medication), although they might come under the umbrella of fibro, may NOT be fibro, so make sure you get them checked out separately too.


Good luck - let us know how you are.


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Its an invisible illness so any sympathy is hard to find. I'm sure its more of a cure than sympathy you need though.


I have ME but never really mention it anymore, to anyone, its just not worth having to constantly explain. People have said recently how well I look, on the inside I was very ill...


Its important to get a GP who understands, if the one you have doesn't, leave the practice.


Over the years I've read a great deal about the issue and there's various groups on FaceBook. I've heard all sorts of weird explanations, from alien abduction to chemtrails... :)


---------- Post added 13-09-2013 at 14:30 ----------


I don't know if this will be allowed, please delete if not... The only thing that gives me any sort of relief, in relation to sleep and pain, is cannabis.

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