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Did anyone work at Oxo?

Guest poppins

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yes it was the happiest place I worked. I met some lovely people there. I was the secretary to the chief clerk, Margery Gray. Was she there when you were there? Was Connie Revill there and also Edna Parkin?



I can remember Margery Gray.She was the boss over the section opposite us.I think one was sales & one purchases. The main boss(in his own office) had been in the army(forgot his name), but he was very nice. I was there before you, but nobody ever fell out, had an argument, or was nasty. I left in 1961 to train to be a nurse at Firvale Hospital.(Now the Northern General)

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I think the wife of the window cleaner was called Connie. What was your wife's name who was the book keeper?


Her name is Sue Lambert, But she was a ledger clerk not a book keeper. Some of the names she remembers are Colonel Truss, the boss, Margery Grey, Edna Parkin, Maureen Wade, Connie Revill, Maureen Robinson, Jessie ?, Pat ? and Doreen. There was also a girl from Liverpool but can't remember her name, could have been Beryl but not sure.

She agree's that it was one of the nicest places to work and she has many happy memories of Oxo. I remember the Christmas party.

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