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Does anyone remember Gloops?


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My nickname in school (1947-54) was always Gloops! Being a little fat, and wearing glasses, I guess I resembled Gloops, but it was never said to me in anything but a put-down!I hated that little feline! Then, lo and behold, Garfield came on the scene. Thankfully, I was too old to have that name bestowed on me. Just as an afterthought, when I first got a computer, and entered into the world of 'user names and passwords', the only name that came to me was, you guessed it, GLOOPS!!! Still use it to this day as my password!

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Guest bostonaire

the very word used to make me heave...reminded me of sickly puddings at school!!! do i remember correctly a lady called janet who usually appeared along side gloops in the junior star?........

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think your right,wish i had,nt posted this..think of all the people who are getting complexes reminding them of when they were younger and were a bit over weight or wore glasses...nowt so cruel as kids..i remember fishing on graves park a few years ago when a man walked on and one of the other anglers said out loud " fxxk me gloops is back " forty odd years after we last saw gloops,theres a million memories out there shame is the ones with the memories of how sheffield used to be dont have pc,s .....what a waste of knowledge.like a lost library...sad....i,m sure the uni or polly could get a grant to collect some of this info before its too late and all the sheffield folk with the knowledge have passed on........am i showing my age ?

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What was the name of that other character? the one with a long nose peering over a wall..always saying things like "wot no bacon" or what ever we were short of in those days....It's just come back to me he was called "Chad"..anyone remember him?.

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