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Does anyone remember Gloops?


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Yes I remember the little fat looked like a polar bear Gloops and I too use it as a PW with a few numbers after it for unimportant things.


I used to deliver the Star around Hunters Bar circa 1943 and a bloke asked me if I had one to sell because he wanted to see how gloops was doing so I let him see the page then put the paper back in the bag he gave me a threepenny bit and I think the paper only cost 1P so I was well chuffed.

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  • 5 months later...
hello brian

good to hear from you. The reason i started this thread was because as a child i actually was gloops in that costume and had to attend the various charity events and other activities and talk to the children there. I did not have a photograph of myself in this costume and wondered if anyone else had one. I am writing a family history and wanted to explain about gloops and what he was all about. A very kind person sent me a copy of a gloops badge and ceritifcate and the sheffield star sent me a copy of the cartoon character. I don't know who took over from me when i grew too big to fit into the costume, that would be interesting to know.

Regards coral



hello coralt`5203034,

how is the story coming along since my last contact,

now with your help i need to know when gloops finished.

I need this for

my stories on the fulwood cottage homes

i have some news paper clippings of gloops ect should you

want then.

--------------- bye brian

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  • 4 weeks later...

HI Yes I remember Gloops as a kid I think it was in the Star and I used to wait outside the newsagents in ST Mary's road for the paper to catch up with his latest '

does anyone remember the Blitz and the chaos in the city

I was seven at the time and still can hear the bombs wiping out many of the houses around where I lived in the ST mary's road and matilda st area.

I have never forgiven the germans for bombing Mrs Crowther's chip shop

along Leadmill rd as she mane the most fantastic chips and cod and Bert her husband who was a little man always under the thumb .


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  • 2 weeks later...
going off the thread a bit.any one remember albert the copper with the biggest hands in sheffield ? used to be the town ( fitzallen square ) bobby.......the bell pub and the elephant pub in the square ?police box in the wicker.......the free water supply ( and cup ) outside the sheffield court house oppossite the cannon pub, which used to have a men only room.....the brunswick pub..post office building in fitzalan square and the police box also the toilets where you could have a wash and brush up,not as grand as the ones out side the town hall,there still there under our feet,a time machine from towns history that just needs some one to sign the papers to re open them.where can you go for a pee nowadays in town ?


Of course I remember big Albert, apart from having shovels as hands he was a super person and a gentleman, I used to serve him and his wife at my shops in Castle Market.

It was aslo said, Albert was the only man who could handle Lol Knight (remember him?) I had my first encounter with Lol when I was fifteen, I punched him as hard as possible with absolutely no effect, as I stood there waiting to die he just slapped my face in a hard but friendly way and said, dar or reyt de kid not like dem f****** cowards, referring to the people who knew who he was and scampered at a pace. Back to Albert, the last few times I've seen him was in the Nether Edge area, this was 4-5 years ago as I now lived in Bulgaria for some time; he was a shadow of his former self but you couldn't help but admire and respect him. I wonder how old he would be?

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I was enrolled in the Gloops club when I was born (1948) by my grandpa. I still have the badge with a white cartoon of Gloops on a navy blue background. I have a vague memory of seeing the cartoons and Gloops being a sideline commentator on family affairs with a particular line of sarcasm.

I have a treasured photo of me standing on the path of my grandpa's house in Totley Brook Road with him sitting on the front step. I am about 18months old and wearing his homburg. I still have the hat and I am going to try and retake the pic with my grandson when he is old enough.

On a different subject, I remember the 'rag and bone ' man coming up our street and his shout was something which sounded like "Johnny Doinks!" Can anyone out there translate?

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The rag and bone man around my area used to shout "donkey stone"; an indication of what he would give you in exchange for the rags. Donkey stone was a white block which people used to apply to the sides of their door step.


I had a girl friend who lived on Totley Brook Road in the late 50's.


I too was a member of the Gloops Club in the 40's. Do you remember his owners, Burford and Belinda?



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  • 3 months later...

In the late forties my brother and i where both in the GLOOPS club,and read the cartoon every night in the STAR, Years later i drove a taxi for awhile. I was in the taxi rank in FITZALLAN SQUARE, when an elderly,well dressed lady asked me to take to ABBEY LANE, upon leaving the cab, she said 'do you know who i am? i said sorry ,but i do not. To which she replied "i am AUNT EDITH of the GLOOPS CLUB, and she gave me a generous tip.eightlegger.

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  • 11 months later...

This was sent to my Late Dad on March 3rd - 1930


It would have been His 10th Birthday .


By a strange quirk of fate , shortly after Re - Patriation from a German WW2 P.O.W camp - He went on to work for " The Telegraph & Star " through it's various owners until early retirement via ill health .



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