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Does anyone remember Gloops?


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going off the thread a bit.any one remember albert the copper with the biggest hands in sheffield ? used to be the town ( fitzallen square ) bobby.......the bell pub and the elephant pub in the square ?police box in the wicker.......the free water supply ( and cup ) outside the sheffield court house oppossite the cannon pub, which used to have a men only room.....the brunswick pub..post office building in fitzalan square and the police box also the toilets where you could have a wash and brush up,not as grand as the ones out side the town hall,there still there under our feet,a time machine from towns history that just needs some one to sign the papers to re open them.where can you go for a pee nowadays in town ?

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Kirky, the Gloops club members did feature in the Junior Star. I only know this because I was one of the winners of the "Plant a Tree in 73" competition [which was front page news throughout the world...], and the copy my mum still keeps has the cartoon and membership form in it. I was never a member, preferring the more aggressively masculine, Dennis The Menace Fan Club. As yet, it has brought me no benefit in society.

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Thank there was another character in the Gloops strip called Uncle Burford.He had a beard.As a kid in school prayers I always thought of him whenever God was mentioned.

Most papers in those days had children's writers called Uncle So and So.Think the Star has an Aunt Edith and later Aunt Janet and Uncle Timothy.Nice,gentle folk you could trust.

The Star also used to run a weekly kids painting contest.The winning pictures were displayed in the Telegraph building window.

Some of the little smart-arses would cheat by adding feathers and other textures - I hated those kids.

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The Gloops club used to give out a badge if you went to school for 3 years without a day off. Think my brother got one. I was a couple of months away from mine when the Sheffield gale blew our bungalow roof off (see thread) and I missed a day. Hence no badge. That's probably what started me on the downward spiral towards my present physical and mental state. Oh well , back to the meths.

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Yes, I well remember the Gloops club, I had my Gloops badge, must have been about 1954, the highlight for me was winning a handwriting competition in The Star and receiving two tickets for Billy Smart's circus. I used to love the little strip cartoon in The Star, thought it was great!

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Originally posted by Timbuck

What was the name of that other character? the one with a long nose peering over a wall..always saying things like "wot no bacon" or what ever we were short of in those days....It's just come back to me he was called "Chad"..anyone remember him?.

l believe Chad came with the saying BIG BROTHER'S WATCHING YOU. Thats if memory serves me correct.

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Originally posted by oldtimer

you should never give out your password oldtimer someone may log in as you and take the ****...:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:



couldn't resist:hihi: (kirky)


Impersonating an old timer Eh Kirky, thats against the forum law.

Sentance should be passed by Judge Geof.

What would you say Geof, this is a serious offence.

No postings for a week would be fitting.

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Originally posted by Cycleracer

Impersonating an old timer Eh Kirky, thats against the forum law.

Sentance should be passed by Judge Geof.

What would you say Geof, this is a serious offence.

No postings for a week would be fitting.


shut up you plant pot..i would hardley put my name on the post if i was up to no good:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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