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Does anyone remember Gloops?


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Kiwi----I think Chad's a bit older than Big Brother.


When Chad says ,"Wot..no ---- ?" he is having a dig at the wartime shortages and rationing. Since rationing went on into the early '50's with various products ,Chad lasted ,I think , until the mid--'50's.

I suppose , having him looking over a wall symbolised the "outsiders"who were short of evrything and couldn't afford to buy stuff on the Black Market.

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Originally posted by sheffexpat

Kiwi----I think Chad's a bit older than Big Brother.


hahahaha very droll ...


I must have been a member of Gloop's Club too, when my parents died and i was clearing out I found a membership card and a badge ...


Another Star character I remember was Little Sport on the back page or was he in the Green Un? Just loved that biggggg quiff he had ...

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Originally posted by sheffexpat

Kiwi----I think Chad's a bit older than Big Brother.


When Chad says ,"Wot..no ---- ?" he is having a dig at the wartime shortages and rationing. Since rationing went on into the early '50's with various products ,Chad lasted ,I think , until the mid--'50's.

I suppose , having him looking over a wall symbolised the "outsiders"who were short of evrything and couldn't afford to buy stuff on the Black Market.


l stand corrected mate. lts a terrible thing this senility

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I must have been a member of the Gloops club in the 40's. Remember having the card and badge. So it must have continued for quite a while.

I too went in for the painting competitions and pressed my nose to the Telegragh window but nevr won.


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Do any of you 'older' folks remember an arcade type place on the Moor? It would have been on the left as you go down, and about where Woolworths is now. I vaguely remember it from when I was a kid. It ran from the Moor through to the parallel street at the back. Haven't got a clue if there were shops in it, or if it was a short-cut.


Has anyone ever heard of a street somewhere in Sheffield where they used to have to winch trams up and down because it was so steep? I remember it being pointed out to me when I was knee-high to a grasshopper. I think it was somewhere around Newhall/Carlisle Street area. Might be wrong!!

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Yes, I remember the arcade. I thought it was higher up more just past the Peace Gardens. There were shops on it. I remember a gents outfitters on the corner. I bought presents for my boyfriend there.

Don't remeber the tram being winched tho.


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