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Does anyone remember Gloops?


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i was made a member of the gloops club along with my twin sister when i was just a few hours old ,my cousin enrolled us and we got our names in the paper for being their youngest members .a few years ago my mum gave me my gloops card.sad to say i lost it after she had kept all these years

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I had completely forgotten about the Gloops Club until this thread reminded me. I must have been about eight when I joined. I remember receiving a yellow badge, and a piece of paper which said "Now you're in!" I found the badge when clearing out my late parents' house three years ago, but we've moved since then so it's gone missing again.

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Although Gloops was the main character,there was also his two owners

Burford and Belinda. The Gloops club also organised day trips to the seaside

for those kids who had never seen the sea,and also provided boots for those without. Some kids used to run around in bare feet in the Summer,things were tough in those days. I remember one lad came to school in girls shoes,a

plain shoe with a single strap that was fastened by a small button. His peers

gave him hell over that ,laughing pointing, jeering. I felt very sorry for him as his family's circumstances were so dire he had to wear whatever was available.

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I think he was Security chief at Daniel Doncasters on Penistone Rd around 1990.


I saw him 2 years ago he lives at netheredge, walks with the aid of a cane but is still on the ball as for the blind guy in the arcade i am sure he used to sell lavendar when i was a boy

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Yes, I remember well Gloops, Burford and Belinda and I joined the Gloops Club in the mid to late 1940's. My dad wouldn't let me wear the badge on my best suit, he seemed to feel that it was a bit infra dig although when I had a professional photograph taken with my baby sister, I managed to sneak it in. I still have that photograph some sixty odd years later.

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I am convinced that the artist who did Gloops used my uncle as a model for Burford - a dead ringer right down to the spats.

Barney Goodman's suits had wide shoulders in those days because that was the fashion ( remember " wide boys" ?). I had to scrape up enough money and go into debt to buy one because Bill Stanley wore Barney's suits and he had all those blondes fawning on him at the City Hall dances . They must have made my suit wrong as not one blonde showed up to hang around me.

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I don't know what the connection is between Gloops and Barney Goodman but mention of him reminds me that I bought my wedding suit from upt mooer, brown birdseye with 26 inch bottoms, My wife must have liked it (the suit) because we're still together nearly sixty years on. Our stamping grounds for dances used to be City Hall, Cutlers Hall, and Deys at Pitsmoor. Thmile !!

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