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Citalopram Hydrobromide side effects

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Hi everybody, I just joined after findinding this forum through google.

I have very bad depression, I think my GP called it Major Depressive Illness.

Anyway, I have had this now for about 18 years, I did at one time have VERY BAD OCD (god that was a nightmare that lasted 3 years) I had an irrational fear of oral cancer, and would spend hours looking at the inside of my mouth with a mirror, I had been known to check my mouth over 180 times in 1 day, this was recorded unknown to me by my wife) But pills didn't do anything at all for that. I went for therapy with a guy here in newport. I thought what a wate of time this is going to be. but bugger me, it worked 100%. I dont bother about my mouth at all anymore. completely cured as they say. Anyway I'm rambling here, back to my question.

I have been on every SSRI there is, except for Citalopram!

I was on Prozac for 5 years and they worked brilliant for me, no side effects at all, except for lack of sex drive :-(

In the end I must of got immune to them as they seemed to stop working.

My GP won't try me on Effexor as I had a heart attack last year and they are supposed to raise BP and increase heart rate, so they are a no no as far as he is concerned. But I got my Citalopram today and just spent the last 15 mins reading the possible side effects over and over again. Looking at the information sheet, these things are lethal, I don't know wether to bother taking them to be honest, I'm a bit scared. It says they can interfere with the rythm of the heart. well thats no good for me is it lol.

He perscribed me 20mg a day to start with, but like I said, I'm not to sure about these little buggers.

I've just stopped taking mirtazapine, which were brilliant for about 6 months. I'd take my 45mg at about 9pm and by 9;50pm I was like a zombie, really zonked out, had to crawl up to bed and was asleep before I hit the pillow, Now they have done a complete u-turn, cant sleep at all on them, thats why my doc took me off them as not slept a wink for 8 days ( man, am I knackered)

Now in my little medicine box ( more like a T-Chest) I have Prozac, Mirtazapine, Sertraline, Fluvoxamine, Escitalopram, Paroxetine and now Citalopram.

Thing is after reading about all those side effects I dont want to take the Citalopram. ( I really should stop reading the info sheets that come in the box)

So what do you reckon people, are the side effects as bad as it says they are, or is it just the company covering themselves.



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I've been on these tablets 3 weeks now.

Took 10mg for a week then my doctor put them up to 20mg.

The only side effect i had was feeling so sick i was unable to eat much, thankfully that feeling as calmed down and am eating a bit more normally.

My depression seem's to be lifting slowly, but there does seem to be light at the end of the tunnel :)

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Hi everybody, I just joined after findinding this forum through google.

I have very bad depression, I think my GP called it Major Depressive Illness.

Anyway, I have had this now for about 18 years, I did at one time have VERY BAD OCD (god that was a nightmare that lasted 3 years) I had an irrational fear of oral cancer, and would spend hours looking at the inside of my mouth with a mirror, I had been known to check my mouth over 180 times in 1 day, this was recorded unknown to me by my wife) But pills didn't do anything at all for that. I went for therapy with a guy here in newport. I thought what a wate of time this is going to be. but bugger me, it worked 100%. I dont bother about my mouth at all anymore. completely cured as they say. Anyway I'm rambling here, back to my question.

I have been on every SSRI there is, except for Citalopram!

I was on Prozac for 5 years and they worked brilliant for me, no side effects at all, except for lack of sex drive :-(

In the end I must of got immune to them as they seemed to stop working.

My GP won't try me on Effexor as I had a heart attack last year and they are supposed to raise BP and increase heart rate, so they are a no no as far as he is concerned. But I got my Citalopram today and just spent the last 15 mins reading the possible side effects over and over again. Looking at the information sheet, these things are lethal, I don't know wether to bother taking them to be honest, I'm a bit scared. It says they can interfere with the rythm of the heart. well thats no good for me is it lol.

He perscribed me 20mg a day to start with, but like I said, I'm not to sure about these little buggers.

I've just stopped taking mirtazapine, which were brilliant for about 6 months. I'd take my 45mg at about 9pm and by 9;50pm I was like a zombie, really zonked out, had to crawl up to bed and was asleep before I hit the pillow, Now they have done a complete u-turn, cant sleep at all on them, thats why my doc took me off them as not slept a wink for 8 days ( man, am I knackered)

Now in my little medicine box ( more like a T-Chest) I have Prozac, Mirtazapine, Sertraline, Fluvoxamine, Escitalopram, Paroxetine and now Citalopram.

Thing is after reading about all those side effects I dont want to take the Citalopram. ( I really should stop reading the info sheets that come in the box)

So what do you reckon people, are the side effects as bad as it says they are, or is it just the company covering themselves.




If you're concerned about the heart thing, go back to your doctors for a chat, to set your mind at rest.


As far as the other side effects are concerned, yes, the drugs company do tend to list every single side effect that's ever affected anybody, to cover themselves and for the benefit of the, perhaps 1 in a 100 or whatever, person who might suffer from a rare side effect and needs to be aware of it.


All drugs - not just SSRIs - affect different people in different ways. Some will get lots of side effects, some will get none. Basically, you need to decide whether the benefits outweigh the problems, ie: the side effects.


I've recently started taking Oxybutynin for urinary incontinence. They're making me drowsy and I've got a dry mouth that tastes indescribably foul, both listed side effects. However, I'm no longer dashing up to the loo with pee running down my legs, so I will continue to take them, because the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks, as far as I'm concerned.

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About 6 weeks ago my doctor slowly reduced my amitpriptylene intake and slowly introduce citalopram (for severe depression) at first i took 20mg at night and was given sedatives to help me sleep, at first i had terrible terrible stomach cramps and spent about 12 hours in the loo (dont know if this was caused by the citalopram) and i hardly slept.

I had to go back again to see my gp on Monday and i told him how id been and that i was so tired so he upped my dose to 40mg, and gave me a different sedative (zopiclone)which he said it would help me sleep for longer. The first night i did sleep for 9 hours and boy did i need it, however last night i only had 4 hours again. I have to see my gp in 4 weeks unless i feel the need to see him before.


Im now on my 5th week of taking these tablets, i do feel a bit more relaxed but im very tired and my memory is terrible, i dont think i have really given these tablets a chance yet, so im gona see how thing go with em. Im hoping that soon i will be able to sleep (without taking the sedative) by just taking the citalopram, my gp says he can up my dose again if need be. All i want is to do is sleep through the night and for it to calm my head down, and im wondering what dosage i will need for this to happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just started taking this 4 days ago and my god it has made me feel like absolute crap. The best way to describe it is like how you feel when you haven't eaten far a while and you get a bit shaky and feel sick. Also my coordination is a bit messed up. Im sure its normal but just wondered about other peoples experiences.


I've just come back from my doctor with a shiny new prescription of this and can't wait to 'enjoy' these side effects!!!! :hihi:


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Trust me mate I'm a few months down the line now and it's so worth it. When I think back now, it probably wasn't even worth the whining. I feel like a different person, and compared to how I felt then the few weeks of the side effects were worth it.


Hope all goes well for you :thumbsup:

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Also a question for anyone who wants to answer it. I have been on Citalopram ( the good old AD drug ) for on and of about 4 - 5 years. Since a couple of weeks has my councilling stopped after 1 1/2 years. Although i am fine during the day when i am in the house i start to find it increasingly difficult to get out of the house. And although i know i have got get out of the house for my own sanity, when i do get out there i feel on some days that people are staring at me and not taking me seriously.

I have forgotten a couple of times to take my tablets, and then i have been fine. No problems what so ever. It feels then that i can take over the world. Has anyone else been experiencing similar things to me, or is it because i have stopped the councelling?

Please let me know what you think.

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  • 3 months later...

:wave: Hi everyone!


It's a bit early for me to say whether these tabs are working, only been taking them for 4 days and so I've felt no side effects or change in my mood. Still very depressed and hoping the tabs will kick in soon before I go :loopy:


Will get back to you in a week or so. :cry:

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Hi Debbie,


I must say that i was fortunate enough to have immidiate effect from the medication. And as i said in my previous post i have been on them for the last 4-5 years, I still get ups and downs :( however i know now when they are coming on and there is no surprise for me or my close family. They can feel now as well when things become hard for me. :hihi: Which is sometimes strange, because they tell me something is up with me before i know it myself.

Don't expect that you won't have any depression at all anymore while you are taking these medication. As that is just kidding yourself, however everything should feel a lot easier for you, and it would mean for you that you will be to think about doing the things you used to do before you became depressed. And instead of thinking that you will never be able to do them anymore, you might one day want to do these things again.

I personally belief that besides taking this medication you have also got to speak to someone. I have chosen to speak to a psychiotrist because i felt that my partner wasn't able to probe me as far as a psychiotrist can. And it made me realize that there was more to life then i thought there was. I also was suffering from Post natal depression, and through talking to a psychiotrist i could change my outlook on the way things were. And also that has helped me a lot.

Well if you ever want to talk about it, your more then welcome to send me a message. About anything. If you don't want to go outside, or if you just want to have a natter. I think it would be maybe be nice to share things with other people. As sometimes with a new set of eyes things might not look as bad as you thought they were yourself.

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