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Road Crossing

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Originally posted by Moon Maiden

...you try telling some motorists that when you attempt to cross at the green man and have to pull yourself back because some idiot has decided to ignore it!!

I was walking my son to school and using the opportunity to teach him about crossing the road when a motorist whizzes round the corner straight in front of us where green man was giving us right of way.


I wrote down his registration, driver's description as far as I was able, colour and model of car, time and date, emailed to the police. They came, took a statement and visited the guy in question. As as soon as he saw the policeman on his doorstep he said "I know what this is about" and apologised, the policeman cautioned him and gave me the opportunity to prosecute but in view of his good attitude I didn't. Had he argued or tried to deny it I would have let it go to court.

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Guilty... although it's probably only happened to me once.


Talking of crossing the road, that bit at the top of the Moor is a nightmare for both pedestrian and driver. You either have to deal with pushing your way through 101 people who are heading towards you while looking at the floor/sky or if you're driving, then you have to cross your fingers and hope one of those pesky (and no doubt untrained ;)) kids/adults doesn't run in to the road because they couldn't wait any longer for a Big Mac.

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Guest costessey
Originally posted by Moon Maiden

I don't know. They are pushing for more Lollipop ladies though because parents are complaining!


I was subjected to adult stupidity only this afternoon. Some stupid bint with a dog who clearly saw me stood there getting my two year old to press the button.


"no we don't cross the road until the green man is on do we? No only STUPID people do that" :evil::D


Moon Maiden



I don't think i like your tone young lady!! calling me stupid!

live a little....i teach my kids to press the button to stop the traffic, not to cross the road

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I know someone who is a road safety officer & they teach children from nursery age onwards how to cross roads. Its not the green cross code as such but based on it. Try http://www.hedgehogs.co.uk (think thats the correct address if not just search for road safety on google etc.)for good road safety info ganes etc for young kids.

She also says that if someone does do that at a crossing when you are sith your children just say loudly what a silly thing that is to do (nothing wrong with a bit of shaming)

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