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Morning/all the time sickness


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They can't give you anything unless you get hyperemisis I think its called. You'll either have to take the time off and get a sick note or ask to be moved


There are a number of anti-emetic medications and an antihistamine that should help morning sickness that are not thought to cause any harm during pregnancy.


Because your problem is clearly affecting your everyday life, your GP will be able to prescribe you something. Hyperemesis gravidarum is very much more serious and often results in hospitalisation due to dehydration, but it doesn't have to go that far for you to receive treatment to help you live normally. Hope you get some help it sounds miserable :(

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thanks guys gonna try to see doctor tommorow


just dont wanna have to have time off due to staff shortages and id feel bad really bad having to leave them in the lurch just cos i feel a little sick as they out it :(


plus ive just had a few days off with my son being very ill so dont wanna rock the boat

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congrats on the forthcoming baby, Katie.


I thought that, (staff shortages or not) you are entitled to take any time off you need for appointments - Doctors appts, ante-natal etc so long as it's to do with your pregnancy, and your employer cannot penalise you for it.


and as for the shortages, it's up to the bosses to ensure that your or your colleagues are "covered". it's not your problem, your priority needs to be you and the baby's well-being! end of.

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congrats on the forthcoming baby, Katie.


I thought that, (staff shortages or not) you are entitled to take any time off you need for appointments - Doctors appts, ante-natal etc so long as it's to do with your pregnancy, and your employer cannot penalise you for it.


and as for the shortages, it's up to the bosses to ensure that your or your colleagues are "covered". it's not your problem, your priority needs to be you and the baby's well-being! end of.



its an absolute fab place to work as long as you can drop everything at the last min and go running if they need you to or stay an extra hour and so on and so on


if you cant then they can be rarther funny with you about it and lay a lot of guilt on you


im just worried about making my work mates feel resentfull towards me as my managers wont get anyone in to cover me they will just let the other chef cope alone

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i was really sick with both mine, with my daughter it got so i couldn't even keep water down, at jessops they put me on these little blue pills they said were usually prescribed for travel sickness,i took them from about 25 weeks, they eased the sickness and my daughter was ok( I was worried about takin owt) this was 15 years ago so maybe there are other things they can prescribe too now, regardin work as I was full time at the time i just kept goin to the loo to throw up, it became second nature!!! it was ages b4 I could go on a bus without a couple of carrier bags in me pocket!! good luck with yr pregnancy, maybe yr employers would let you start later in the day? :)

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i was really sick with both mine, with my daughter it got so i couldn't even keep water down, at jessops they put me on these little blue pills they said were usually prescribed for travel sickness,i took them from about 25 weeks, they eased the sickness and my daughter was ok( I was worried about takin owt) this was 15 years ago so maybe there are other things they can prescribe too now, regardin work as I was full time at the time i just kept goin to the loo to throw up, it became second nature!!! it was ages b4 I could go on a bus without a couple of carrier bags in me pocket!! good luck with yr pregnancy, maybe yr employers would let you start later in the day? :)


my first one was nothing like this one i had no sickness and wasnt so knackererd with my son but this one seems to have totally wiped me out physicaly and emotionally. :(

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im just worried about making my work mates feel resentfull towards me as my managers wont get anyone in to cover me they will just let the other chef cope alone



You only need to point out to them that you working in this condition is likely to lead to the place being shut down for environmental health violations, no matter HOW carefully you wash your hands after throwing up. I'm sure they'd rather keep their jobs and manage without you for a while.

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congrats on the forthcoming baby, Katie.


I thought that, (staff shortages or not) you are entitled to take any time off you need for appointments - Doctors appts, ante-natal etc so long as it's to do with your pregnancy, and your employer cannot penalise you for it.


and as for the shortages, it's up to the bosses to ensure that your or your colleagues are "covered". it's not your problem, your priority needs to be you and the baby's well-being! end of.


Don't have time to post much but yes you are right.


Check out Unison Maternity pages for advice.


andHSE page

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