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Morning/all the time sickness


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just chipping in again katy, to answer your comments about your boss es "guilt-tripping" you.


don't buy into it, (easier said than done, I know!) your priority HAS to be your own, and the baby's wellbeing. not the profits or the staffing levels. that's the bosses responsibility, not yours.


I agree with heysey etc, above.

they won't get another chef in to cover? then BANG! get health and safety in on it!

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You only need to point out to them that you working in this condition is likely to lead to the place being shut down for environmental health violations, no matter HOW carefully you wash your hands after throwing up. I'm sure they'd rather keep their jobs and manage without you for a while.


they are well aware of the food hygiene laws regarding food handlers and being sick. they dont seem to care about the fact there is a law against it and i think they think well shes pregnant so its not like she has a bug or a virus or anything that could be passed on.

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I would avoid taking anything until you look into the effects the drugs have no only on you and your child...but how it may effect the birth.


I don't work well with anti-biotics at all...and when pregnant they cause bigger problems for me.

Some drugs will actually hinder the birth process, making intervention an almost certainty.


Re work...take legal advice, you need to worry about you and your baby...your work should be worried about being taken to tribunal for sexual discrimination aswell as health and safety.

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I had hyperemisis gravidavum (or however you spell it) with dd, I ended up in hospital for a few weeks on a drip due to dehydration. I couldn't keep anything down and started to lose weight. not good for either of you.


Your work has a legal obligation to do a risk assesment on you - mines have and I'm only 5 weeks gone! If it causing problems to your well being and possibly that of your customers then they have no option but to put you onto alternative duties or suspend you on full pay (thats what my h&s guy told me this afternoon)


Good luck and congrats, I know how your feeling babes and you have my sympathy! Smells are triggering me and banana is making me gip at the thought never mind the smell and we eat tons at my house so my dd and oh have been forced to have other fruit instead lol


If you need someone to talk to pm me I we're about the same stage in our pg xx

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Hi Katie,

Congratulations! :)


Gosh I do feel for you, it is absolutley awful going throught the first stage of pregnancy. I like yourself suffered really bad with all 3 of my pregnancys. When I was having my first 2 I was told there was nothing they could prescribe me for the sickness, but the pharmasist said to try travel sickness tablets- took the edge off it.

But, with my 3rd they persribed me some tablets to try and stop the sickness (im really sorry but I have forgotten what they call them), they did make me a little more tired but helped loads! There are 2 types of tablets that can be perscribed so if one lot dosn't work ask to try the other.


Try sucking on citrus boiled sweets, you can also buy ginger sweets from the herbalist try these too. I have seen on the net that you can buy morning sickness lollypops.


One day you will wake up and the sickness will have totally gone for me it was around 14 weeks.


Also wanted to say that you can request to be signed off with ms, I was signed of for 2 weeks, and was told that if I needed more to go back to the doctors. Don't feel guilty about work and don't let them guilt trip you either, think about yourself, you and your bean are the most important things ever.


Sending you lots of hugs, I really do feel for you, if you have never experienced it I don't beleive you can ever imagine what it could be like. Hope you are feeling much better very very soon.


Sam xxxv :)

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