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Morning/all the time sickness


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as mentioned earlier i had small travel sickness tablets from jessops, i was also on a drip, the good thing was they told me for every day i was on a drip i had to have a week off work, so i got 6 weeks off, which would have been great had my head not still been down the loo, but not as bad as b4 the tablets! you cant understand how a small baby will be ok when the first weeks/months of its life in yr belly is so traumatic for the poor mother!! it DOES get better tho, then theres only the heartburn to deal with!!

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well so much for the sickness bands helping :( yesterday the sickness just wouldn't stop even the water i was drinking was not staying down :gag: so after 4 hours of trying to do my job, with my manager and his " just keep trying hun, you don't wanna let the side down :rant:) i told him i was going home as my tummy hurt, i had a temperature a headache and i was knackered with all the running to the toilet. i got home and spent the rest of the day and night in bed


I'm going to the doctors tomorrow so hopefully he will be able to offer me some relief. :)

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well so much for the sickness bands helping :( yesterday the sickness just wouldn't stop even the water i was drinking was not staying down :gag: so after 4 hours of trying to do my job, with my manager and his " just keep trying hun, you don't wanna let the side down :rant:) i told him i was going home as my tummy hurt, i had a temperature a headache and i was knackered with all the running to the toilet. i got home and spent the rest of the day and night in bed


I'm going to the doctors tomorrow so hopefully he will be able to offer me some relief. :)


Bless you! You have my complete sympathy love. I was exactly the same with baby no. 2. It was awful. Anything and everything would set me off - the times I've had to get off the bus on the way to work for fear of being sick! My doctor and midwife both said there was nothing I could take to stop it and that it wear off eventually! And it did at around 14/15 weeks although I still couldn't bear 'nice' smells like washing powder, perfume, air freshener etc. (still funny about washing powder - 2 years on! but that could be psychological). I found sipping ice cold lemonade helped (as daft as it sounds) ginger did nothing apart from make me worse! I also found I felt worse when hungry (which seemed to be most of the time) so eating little and often helped as well. Keep smiling love, you'll soon be over it and be able to enjoy your pregnancy! Good Luck!

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i suffered emmensly with it, borderline in the hospital jobby!

every time i went to the gp they all had a different opionion.

work were breathing down my neck etc etc


i tried everything!! the only medication my gp would prescribe was promethazine, it didnt work, i tried ginger, the anti-sickness travel bands, everything!!


the only thing i could suggest is plenty of rest, been stressed about work makes it worse! trust me!!! have as much time as you need off work, the gp will write you a note as there is nothing much they can do, they tell you to plod on... try to keep having water, even if you can't face it. your little baby will be getting everything that she needs from you, regardless of what you eat, they are like little parasites!!! :hihi:


im 29 weeks and still feeling sick in a morning. as soon as i wake up the acid/god knows what in my stomach comes up!

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well ive been to the doctors who have told me i have a bladder infection hence why ive been feeling extra run down, plus she has given me something to help with the sickness :) hopefully these will help me start to feel a little bit more normal shortly :)

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  • 3 months later...

I know it will be worth it but oh god I feel pooh. I'm 16 weeks now and still being sick like a good un :gag:


When I was only a few weeks everyone kept saying, don't worry it will pass at about 12 weeks so I was focusing on getting past that stage but now I'm nearly 5 weeks past it and it's not getting any better.


Are there any old wives tales on what it can mean if you have 24 hour sickness during pregnancy ALL THE WAY THROUGH :(


Sorry to whinge but please tell me I'm not the only one on here suffering like this.

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I had sickness all the way through with my first (sorry!) I dont know if its an old wives tale that the sicker you are the more likely it is to be a girl? Lol! I hardly had it with my son, just a bit of nausea in the first few weeks...!

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