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Morning/all the time sickness


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Aah poor you Raychul, its horrid aint it. I must be lucky, I am 16 weeks today and mine stopped around 13-14 weeks although I have just gotten over a tummy bug which was just as bad.

I reckon that even if you have the most persistent morning sickness, by 20 weeks it should be getting better, just think positive hun! :)

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I know it will be worth it but oh god I feel pooh. I'm 16 weeks now and still being sick like a good un :gag:


When I was only a few weeks everyone kept saying, don't worry it will pass at about 12 weeks so I was focusing on getting past that stage but now I'm nearly 5 weeks past it and it's not getting any better.


Are there any old wives tales on what it can mean if you have 24 hour sickness during pregnancy ALL THE WAY THROUGH :(


Sorry to whinge but please tell me I'm not the only one on here suffering like this.


PM 'Lapis Lazuli' - she's spent the whole of her pregnancy (up until now) being sick. I think she's about 16 weeks too.


Apparently she's just been prescribed something that's helping reduce the sickness.


Worth a try.



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I think the old wives tale could have some truth imo.


I had severe sickness until I gave birth last time (I ended up on a drip in hops due to dehydration) I couldn't even keep water down. I had the worst heartburn ever all the way through I had a girl with the most black hair the midwife had ever seen!


This time I've had a couple of days of feeling a bit sick but nothing to shout about to be honest and I really think I'm carrying a boy (will hopefully find out for sure at the re-scan on friday)


I do feel for you sweetie, I found the last time a pack of ginger biscuits kept in the bedside cabinet and having a couple before you get up gave me a bit of respite (well until I stood up and had to rush to the loo)


It's such a horrible time for some women being pregnant (me being one of them, I hate being pregnant, hence I waited nearly 10yrs for baby number 2) My sister was one of those women we all love to hate, she bloomed through all 3 pregnancies and enjoyed every minute of it!


Good luck though and I hope you feel better soon xx

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I was sick all the way through, and had heartburn so crippling that I became a shareholder in gaviscon, and could barely move at night, and could barely stomach anything edible - I tried some of the antivom drugs, but they made the heartburn much worse, and left me with stinking headaches and dizziness.


However, I had an incredibly easy birth - nearly the mythical pain-free one, in fact. The midwives kept telling me that crapsy pregnancy often results in easy birth (but not always).


Don't do what I did - worked all the way up until the birth - because I was a physical and emotional wreck, although I wouldn't have admitted it at the time, it's absolutely exhausting living like that for 9 months (followed by sleep deprivation and all the rest). Make sure you take some time off to look after yourself a bit before the due date.

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  • 2 months later...

I didn't have morning sickness as such, yes, i felt sick but no, i wasn't sick. For the weeks i was pregnant, i ate that many Gingerbread men it took it away :D


I do feel sorry for the women that are sick an awful lot of the time though :(


How many weeks are you, cuteykat?

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