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Morning/all the time sickness


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i was constantly sick with my first till 6 months (a girl), nothing except a bit of nausea with my son and then a bit of sickness with my third (another girl) if i was to have another i'd guess the sex via the sickness :hihi:


i was terrible like that with my 1st also a girl :loopy: not as bad but still sick with my second a boy maybe this one will b a boy also :suspect::hihi:

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I felt sick until about 13 weeks, but was actually only sick once. Was fine in the morning and most of the day then about 4oclock I started to feel awful, so didnt eat proper tea for a good 2 months. Had this horrible taste in my mouth too which made me feel sick and made everything taste wierd.

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I'm now 6 months and still being sick all day everyday :( It's awful! When I was about 20 weeks it seemed to ease off a bit but these last few weeks have been herrendous. :(

Everyone says it's usually worse with girls but I'm having a little boy so don't know where I went wrong there.

My mum was sick with my brother all the way through and then 2 months after!!! :(

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I'm now 6 months and still being sick all day everyday :( It's awful! When I was about 20 weeks it seemed to ease off a bit but these last few weeks have been herrendous. :(

Everyone says it's usually worse with girls but I'm having a little boy so don't know where I went wrong there.

My mum was sick with my brother all the way through and then 2 months after!!! :(


Aw i hope you feel better soon

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