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Beatles in Sheffield

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Did anyone out there ever see the Beatles in Sheffield. I saw them at the City Hall & The Azena. I would love to here your stories. When they where at The City Hall, we used to sit in the cheap seats, behind the stage, so we could run on stage and grab them. Paul was my favourite. We used to write to them at their home address's, and they wrote back. I have still got the letters. We would also phone them at the different theatres they were appearing at, and if it was a person to person call, the operator had to connect you to the right person. We did this a lot, it was great. Well happy memories.

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I saw the Beatles with my wife to be i think it was in 1962/3 they were third on the bill at The city hall after Roy Orbison and Herman,s Hermits. my sister in law has an original signed photo of the fab four which she got in the hotel foyer where they stayed. The photo is valued at around £4000 i believe.

I remember seeing them on stage but couldnt hear cause of all the girlies screaming.

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I dont remember the date but at the same time the Beatles were appearing at the City hall with, i think, Helen Shapiro as top of the bill! I was working as a waiter in the downstairs ballroom. With one other young waiter I was aked to go upstairas and help the commissionaires ( no bouncers in those days) get the Beatles from thier van into the City Hall. This we did, I held Paul Macartneys arm whilst my mate held the other one.


My mates name was Vic Mobley, he was a centre half for Wednesday and worried that the Owls management might see him monnlighting !!!!!!!!


I wonder how many premier league players do a bit of catering work to make ends meet these days.?

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The Beatles appeared at the City Hall twice, 1962 and 1963. Firt time they were second to Helen Shapiro, the following year at the top of the bill. One of them, think it was John Lennon, had a cousin who lived in the Wisewood area. My wife and I were invited to a house party there in 1962, where they were attending, but couldn't be bothered. If only we knew then.......

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Someone says their names are still on the wall of the City Hall, dont know wether thats true or not.



Don't know about that Pattricia, but I know your names still on the bathroom wall there.:o

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A friend of my wifes older sister says that she remembers seeing the Beatles at Intake Youth Club! Does anyone else remember this?


I have heard that they played at a local youth club hall near Basegreen just before they were famous.

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