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Doormen in Sheffield - the Good, the Bad and the Unlicensed


What's your opinion of Bouncers?  

146 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your opinion of Bouncers?

    • They do a good job under harsh conditions
    • They don't do enough
    • They are power-mad
    • Hmm, i don't really have an opinion

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Has anyone had any bad experiences with city centre doormen?

The reason i ask is because last night i was ejected from an establishment in town.

Was out with a group of friends,having a good time,i admit i'd had a bit to drink,we started dancing,at this point a bouncer asked us to stop which to be honest was fair enough,anyway a few members of the party mainly the girls carried on dancing, at this point he asked me and my girlfriend to leave,while ushering us towards the exit,i asked if i could get my cigarettes off the table,he refused,to be honest i did give him a bit of "lip" nothing violent just back chat, anyway next thing i know he has me in a headlock and is dragging me out ,he then threw me headlong onto the pavement,where i landed at the feet of three policemen,who picked me up,asked if i was ok,and advised me to press charges against the doorman in question.

The point of this story is what should i do?put it down to experience?

Iam at this moment covered in bruises.

I probably deserved to be asked to leave,but not in such a violent manner,i'm not some young hooligan,i'm in my thirties,never ever been in trouble, and its not as if i'm a physical threat!(i'm only a little bloke)

We did get the manager out who refused to do anything,because he hadn't seen the incident,we tried to talk to the doorman in question, but he was ushered away(,we did find out he was only eighteen though) we asked for his name which they refused to give.

Should i just put it down to experience and leave it? At this moment i feel like a victim of a violent assault,there is no way i deserved to be treated like i was.

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Deano, thats awfall mate and you have to press charges and this is why.

The bouncer did not give you an appology after being confronted by the police which may be then could have been forgiven.

Then the bouncer is ushered away and the owner refuses to appologise on his behalf which means he is protecting an obviously guilty man, meaning he don't give a s**t about your welfare.

The police have given you the right and sensible option and if the police don't have the authority to treat you in that way the f*****g bouncer certainly does'nt.


Do yourself and anyone else a favour who have been at the hands of these mindless thugs because thats all they are.

You won't be the only one who's gone through this and if you kicked up a stink in the club, I.E being violent then I could have some compassion in the handling.


PM Dirt Diggler and take his advice, I know he is a bouncer but he's not bias and would give you some information of the rights and wrongs of these bouncers.

There not all thugs like the guy that threw you out but that is an assault and you have two strong witnesses, the police officers.

Woops to swear words, I must be annoyed.

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Sorry to hear about your experiences deano, but I guess it would be very difficult to press charges or prove anything was done.


Just vote with your feet and boycott the place, you could always crap in a jiffy bag and send it to the manager. Much more satisfying


I was in town last night and I noticed that everywhere has bouncers now, even the Frog and Parrott:loopy: which by the way was empty last night at 10.40 and the foreign doormen refused us access. This was a group of 40yr olds:P just wanting a drink somewhere a bit quite.



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I think it will be difficult to press charges,everybody closed ranks last night.

I think had the bouncer been a bit more experienced i probably would have been escorted out in a more dignified manner.

I would like to protect anybody else from the same fate though,i was not at any time a threat in a violent sort of way,surely they are not trained to grab you round the neck in a headlock and launch you out the door!! if i had landed awkwardly i could have easily broken my neck,as it is ive just got a bruised hip,knee,elbow and a small cut on my head.

Keep replaying it in my head,i must be the least violent person i know,i'm a responsible sensible adult for gods sake,i keep swaying between anger and feeling sorry for myself,it's not as if i go into town that often,last night was the first time since xmas.

Keep trying to think of the best course of action.

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I had some trouble with a bouncer in the Kingdom nightclub.


Some girl started on me but because she worked there she got the bouncer to speak to ME!!!!!


We sorted it out and the night went on fine then about 25 minutes to closing he just came up to me and grabbed hold of my arm, by this time I was slightly the worse for wear and told him where to get off. He just dragged me and threw me outside like I was a piece of S**T:(


Why do bouncers think they have the right to just go around throwing their weight around like they do?? I know a certain amount of control has to be taken otherwise there would be fighting all over and I'm sure there are some very decent "doormen" out there but C'mon?!!??


Oh yeah and I was barred for life??? My god what will I do??


I will just have to find another club full of under 18's and bouncers that like roughing women up!!!!


.....Oh yeah that plays crappy music!:rant:


Ooooohhh that's better :D

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Thanks for asking the forum membership for advice but really the people you should be asking are the police. They may very well know of other problems with the establishment in question and it may be possible to get the police officers who were outside the place to corroborate at least some of your story.

I personally would kick up a real stink not just to try and get some personal satisfaction but also to try and get the neanderthal bouncer out of his job before he really does hurt someone. Bouncets are an important part of pub and club life and I wouldn't of thought any professional bouncer or what ever you want to call them would want an inexperienced, obviously untrained yob giving them a bad name. So again my advice is kick up a fuss and complain to as many people as you can.

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Sorry to hear about what happened, thats out of order, but don't get upset about it, and let it put you off going to town, fight back!


As Cycleracer said, they were virtually admiting guilt by their actions and surely, the Manager would have been able to look back on the CCTV, which is everywhere in town now a days.


Yeah speak to the police again, as soon as possible, if they advised you to press charges.


Good luck :)

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