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Doormen in Sheffield - the Good, the Bad and the Unlicensed


What's your opinion of Bouncers?  

146 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your opinion of Bouncers?

    • They do a good job under harsh conditions
    • They don't do enough
    • They are power-mad
    • Hmm, i don't really have an opinion

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Hello everyone - everyone who likes and dislikes us bouncers. I have read many comments here, many of them from people like RoyJames who is a bouncer, and from people who know nothing about this job. I have been working doors now for quite a while in different venues, Bia Hoi, Forum, Casbah and Sharkeys.


You see slagging bouncers off doesnt really give you any credit. Yes sexual advancements towards women is bad and I am totally against it. I am against abuse of power. But let me tell you something for those who dont know. It is on average 70 people per bouncer on an average night - now tell me all you who insult us, could youhandle 70 people? People of all kinds, drunk, violent, racist, possibly mentally unstable? Everyday we go on doors we dont know if we will come back without being stabbed, or ending up in a massive fight. Oh yes it is true, i know people who had their heads smashed with bottles, a guy who was bitten and a chunk of his chest came out, people being hit with crutches, and I can go on like this forever. Has any one of you who says bouncers are on a power trip been in a situation where its 4 of you fighting a group of 18 people? Hell no cause if you did you wouldnt talk like ****.


We may be thugs, we may be genuine people, we may be dumb or arrogant (like some here say) but without us you wouldnt be able to go out and have fun - remember people that being a bouncer is not all about how big you are - its to do with who you know as well. I am only 12 stone - not really a giant, but its the people we know, sometimes very tough, sometimes people who could turn a venue into a slaughter (yes!) and the way we approach them and talk to them, askem them to behave - you people dont even notice these things. How do you know when next time you go to the bar to order a drink - who you stand next to? Yes we are strict with ID's now, yes we search people - nothing wrong with that, because when it kicks off its out job to sort it and not yours, you people will be let out of fire exits and go home safe. So have some respect - if you still know what respect means.

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Well said King_Solomon.. Don't worry about half of the people on here complaining, their sole mission in life is to be miserable, they'll get over it :thumbsup:


Welcome to the forum by the way.



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Originally posted by King_Solomon

Everyday we go on doors we dont know if we will come back without being stabbed, or ending up in a massive fight. Oh yes it is true, i know people who had their heads smashed with bottles, a guy who was bitten and a chunk of his chest came out, people being hit with crutches, and I can go on like this forever.


Whilst I cannot condone that type of behaviour it must be pointed out that sometimes bouncers do provoke a reaction. Is it absolutely necessary to throw someone out onto the concrete for questioning you? Is it absolutely necessary to be letchy towards women?


Now before you remind me - I realise that not all bouncers are like that. But people always remember bad behaviour over good behaviour. Unfortunately, all too often doormen behave unprofessionally and are too heavy handed. Some doormen should remember that when they're stood on a door they're at work! So show us some respect and in the long run you might just find that we might show you more. After all, respect is earnt.


And a bit of free advice to doormen who are a little heavy handed: get a very good solicitor.

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Originally posted by King_Solomon

Thank You GAZB! What do you do for life anyway? You are one of the few sensible people here I guess


Most people don't see it from both sides. Also, you'll find 90% of the people on here complaining about people that generalise.. then they get on this thread after a bad experience with ONE bouncer, and tar them all with the same brush! Don't let them get your back up buddy.

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Originally posted by JonJParr

Is it absolutely necessary to throw someone out onto the concrete for questioning you? Is it absolutely necessary to be letchy towards women?


So how many bouncers have you seen do this?


The amount of nights out I've had goes well into triple figures, and I've never once seen a bouncer be "letchy" towards women. I've seen them use force, but in the situations I've witnessed, it's what I'd call reasonable.

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Well i guess you have ended up on concrete floor a couple of times, and will do in the future. When you come to the door and behave properly you very rarely will be disrespected by a bouncer. We dont need your advice for free solicitors because we have a Union where we get it free anyway. Other thing, when you get asked for ID you dont need to mumble funny comments, or stick your fingers out if you are turned down or walk away and start insulting doormen. Thats why scum like you ends up on concrete floor. Carry a cushion with you mate, it may not hurt that bad. LOL

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About bouncers. There's some good ones and bad ones as there are other in most other jobs - the thing is with the bad ones I suppose is that they can cause a lot of harm although i wouldn't want to deal with drunk people all the time.


with roy i think a racist person shouldnt work on the doors because i've been there before with friends when they are turned away because of their colour and it has a bad psychologocal effect.


Some are idiots and some are thugs but most of them are fine and don't get paid very much for what can be a dangerous jobs. Also sometimes we blame bouncers for things that are the venue's fault -for example normally at closing time they all get a bit tetchy but then one of them told me that is cos they are only paid til half an hour past the close and its their rtesponisibility to make sure the place is empty.


worst ones ? - there was one bloke who i've seen working at the forum and showroom who stood there once bragging about beating up homeless peoople and was pointlessly aggressive towards people.


best ones ? - the ones who smile on the way in and you don't notice them unless they're needed.


Think it all depends on what the venue's like. Rough place - u need rough bouncers. Never understood why University bouncers are so heavy handed (unless they hate students). Also at Hallam Union on friday the security were like prison wardens. Controlling your enjoyment.

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