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Doormen in Sheffield - the Good, the Bad and the Unlicensed


What's your opinion of Bouncers?  

146 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your opinion of Bouncers?

    • They do a good job under harsh conditions
    • They don't do enough
    • They are power-mad
    • Hmm, i don't really have an opinion

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Originally posted by GazB

So how many bouncers have you seen do this?


The amount of nights out I've had goes well into triple figures, and I've never once seen a bouncer be "letchy" towards women. I've seen them use force, but in the situations I've seen, it' what I'd call reasonable.


Too many Gaz - from when I was still at University I remember nearly every single bouncer being letchy towards the girls who used to go out with us. It's so unprofessional Gaz - admit it! To date the only bouncers I've come across who a shred of professionalism about them are those at Vodka Revolution.

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GOLDEN I know who you talking about at the Forum, bragging about beating homeless people - he is scum. A person who is strong, doesnt hurt the weak or people who are unable to fight back.


Yes like you said its a dangerous job, thank you for understanding. Come to Sharkeys, I work there, you will not get any hastle, like you said venue = bouncers.

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Originally posted by JonJParr

Too many Gaz - from when I was still at University I remember nearly every single bouncer being letchy towards the girls who used to go out with us. It's so unprofessional Gaz - admit it! To date the only bouncers I've come across who a shred of professionalism about them are those at Vodka Revolution.


Nothing to admit Jonboy! A couple of my friends are bouncers and they're the friendliest, most sociable guys you could meet!

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Yes Gaz, you are right. Jonyboy, will you challange the fact that girls here themselves wear clothes that reveal more than they conceal? they all like flashing their titts out and behave like slags. I have seen a girl in my venue take her thongs of and flash to the people around, so what you call that?

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Originally posted by King_Solomon

Well i guess you have ended up on concrete floor a couple of times, and will do in the future. When you come to the door and behave properly you very rarely will be disrespected by a bouncer. We dont need your advice for free solicitors because we have a Union where we get it free anyway. Other thing, when you get asked for ID you dont need to mumble funny comments, or stick your fingers out if you are turned down or walk away and start insulting doormen. Thats why scum like you ends up on concrete floor. Carry a cushion with you mate, it may not hurt that bad. LOL


Solomon, how wrong you are about me. I've never ended up on a concrete floor in my life. In fact I've never been asked for ID and I've never personally had any dealings with a bouncer at all. It's probably because I drink at bars that don't need them (because they're far too expensive to attract the scum that would start a brawl). My views are based on testimonies by trusted friends who witnessed appauling behaviour from doormen. Whilst I've already acknowledged that all doormen are not like that - you must remember that customers generally remember bad behaviour over good behaviour. In my opinion, when at work you should act friendly, polite and professional to your customers. If you don't, or if someone in your profession doesn't expect the customer to take a dim view of that profession.


As for sticking up two fingers and insulting doormen : it's wholly unnecessary and inpolite.

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Oooh, and what bars are these, that are so expensive? Testimonials from friends? Its better to see 1 time than hear 100 times. But hey may be I was a bit too harsh on you, sorry. Its just that I do take it personally - we are doing one of the most dangerous jobs. Try Crystal, nice atmosphere, good environment, quality people

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Originally posted by King_Solomon

Yes Gaz, you are right. Jonyboy, will you challange the fact that girls here themselves wear clothes that reveal more than they conceal? they all like flashing their titts out and behave like slags. I have seen a girl in my venue take her thongs of and flash to the people around, so what you call that?


Firstly, my name is Jon. It's certainly never Johnny and I'm not a "boy" - so please leave the patronising remarks well alone. I'll admit that some women leave nothing to the imagination and wear terrible outfits. The behaviour that you've just described is uncouth and wholly uncalled for however that still doesn't give you the right to be inpolite and letchy to them does it? I'd simply take the woman in question aside and inform her that her behaviour leaves a lot to be desired. Surely that's more effective than innuendo?

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Not trying to take sides here at all, but leching over scantilly clad women isn't an activity solely reserved for bouncers.


In fact, take a look around you next time you're in a club, you'll probably find it's the majority of male clubbers doing the leching.

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