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Doormen in Sheffield - the Good, the Bad and the Unlicensed


What's your opinion of Bouncers?  

146 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your opinion of Bouncers?

    • They do a good job under harsh conditions
    • They don't do enough
    • They are power-mad
    • Hmm, i don't really have an opinion

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Originally posted by royjames

I have to say I do like what your party says on certain subjects,we had better get back on topic though ,before the mods have words lol.


It's just the nature of our streams of consciousness. How people can expect a conversation between two to remain within the confines of a particular topic is beyond me. The whole nature of conversation, tête-à-tête, dialogue, exchange is that it remains open to serendipity. Wouldn't you agree?

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Originally posted by royjames

Foo doing some stiring again,never mind ignore is best policy.

I've only had occasion to talk to you once before, and that was to defend someone you were sniping at (who was merely introducing themselves as being new to the country), so how is this me

Originally posted by royjames

doing some stiring again.




I thought it was best to warn King_Solomon of your real character (given you were being “pally”, but obviously didn't mean it given your previous form), simple as that really.


Oh, and I’ll do it again with pleasure, as your sig’ says “To see and not speak, that would be the GREAT BETRAYAL”, so, I see you being racist, I must therefore speak up and let others know.

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Originally posted by JonJParr

It's just the nature of our streams of consciousness. How people can expect a conversation between two to remain within the confines of a particular topic is beyond me. The whole nature of conversation, tête-à-tête, dialogue, exchange is that it remains open to serendipity. Wouldn't you agree?



Yes Jon I do agree with that comment.

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Can I just make something clear? I appreciate all your remarks and also warnings that some people are racist. To be honest with you I have faced racism many times here in the UK. From bus drivers, in supermarkets, at work, in bars and on the door. I had knives pulled on me as well. I can only say that racism is ignorence. I am proud of where I come from, I have learnt alot from both my backgrounds, I speak 3 languages fluently, and I learn things everywhere I go. For these who are against assylum seekers - yes I can see why some of you dont like them, but hey if all the British people around the world come back to the UK you people will have 5 times more coming back than the amount of assylum seekers who come here. People should live in peace.


As of doorwork, I dont care who comes through my door, as long as people behave and dont disturb other customers. Who do you work for anyway roy? Ace or SafeHouse? What if we work side by side and never even know that, ha ha!

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Originally posted by King_Solomon

...I can only say that racism is ignorence. I am proud of where I come from, I have learnt alot from both my backgrounds, I speak 3 languages fluently, and I learn things everywhere I go. For these who are against assylum seekers - yes I can see why some of you dont like them, but hey if all the British people around the world come back to the UK you people will have 5 times more coming back than the amount of assylum seekers who come here. People should live in peace.


As of doorwork, I dont care who comes through my door, as long as people behave and dont disturb other customers. Who do you work for anyway roy? Ace or SafeHouse? What if we work side by side and never even know that, ha ha!

Well said. :)

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I think there is alot of people who slag off bouncers just because other people do. Very similar to people who do the same with the police...


As a general rule i've noticed that people who constantly abuse bouncers and police are generally people who cause troble or act like morons which results in trouble with the police.


I think the bouncers at kingdom are idiots sometimes. But like royjames said in a much earlier post, if the guys have spent the past 2 months (especially round xmas) dealing with idiots, drugged or drunk abusive chavs then dont they have a right to sometimes be abit cheesed off?


Going back to kingdom they are generally the exception, i have been banned 3 times... none of these occasions could they explain why. Once a random guy decided to punch and kick my mate to the floor, my mate got thrown out and kicked outside by the bouncers while the guy who launched an unprovoked attack got nothing. I set the record straight by smashing a bottle over his head... OK i deserved to be thrown out by why should people put up with that?


As for all the other places i go to fairly regularly (gatecrasher, cavendish, varsity, champs, s1, vodka revolution, halycon, forum) i've always found the bouncers to be very reasonable, professional and concerned for peoples safety.


As for sexual harassment, this is obviously not on. But SOME girls do dress up to attract this sort of behaviour, which often starts the trouble which leads to the bouncers getting slated on forums such as this!

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Originally posted by Connect4Fun

As for sexual harassment, this is obviously not on. But SOME girls do dress up to attract this sort of behaviour, which often starts the trouble which leads to the bouncers getting slated on forums such as this!


I'm sorry but that really infuriates me. I think women have the right to wear what the want without getting harrassed by anybody, yet alone bouncers. I know what some girls wear clubbing is obscene, at times I've gone out dressed like that. But it is certainly NOT to attract harrassment, it's because it makes me feel confident and sexy!


I haven't slated all bouncers, was just talking about one particular experience at Gatecrasher. And in my opionin they deserve to be slated for behaving so disgusting that night. Saying that women dress to attract harrasment is akin to the bigots who blame rape on women dressing provocatively. But hey it's typical..."don't blame the man, he couldn't help himself"


:rant: :rant: :rant:

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Well said, Lucy. There are few things more despicable than people blaming rape on women dressing scantily. I have had this arguement so many times, people (men usually) saying "Oh COME ON, you have to admit, it IS kind of their fault".


But that is off topic. Some bouncers are great, others are not.


One time in a bar in leeds a fight broke out right next to me and my sister and I got hit in the face by one of the guys fighting! (think it was an accident) As the bouncers were trying to split these guys up one of them picked me up and carried me outside and they got me a drink and wanted to take me to hospital, and just generally were lovely to me. Other times in sheffield I have had my ass pinched by bouncers (ooo roy just think it could've been you! joking :) )and had lechy things said to me when my boyfriends not been listening, or when they know he can't do anything cos they've got all the cards.


I personally think its up to the club management to find out what sort of job their staff are doing, and if you dont like the bouncers of a certain place you should get in touch with the management to complain.

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Originally posted by Lucy_Smith

I'm sorry but that really infuriates me. I think women have the right to wear what the want without getting harrassed by anybody, yet alone bouncers. I know what some girls wear clubbing is obscene, at times I've gone out dressed like that. But it is certainly NOT to attract harrassment, it's because it makes me feel confident and sexy!


I haven't slated all bouncers, was just talking about one particular experience at Gatecrasher. And in my opionin they deserve to be slated for behaving so disgusting that night. Saying that women dress to attract harrasment is akin to the bigots who blame rape on women dressing provocatively. But hey it's typical..."don't blame the man, he couldn't help himself"


:rant: :rant: :rant:


1. I was'nt aiming any of the post at you.

2. Some girls do dress to get attention like that, I know... I used to go out with one!!

3. I never said it was ok for bouncers to do that

4. I dont know what they did to you, so I cant disagree with what your saying

5. I think men who rape women deserve to die a slow and painful death


All i was saying is some girls love the attention other girls dont want, which provokes trouble and ends up with bouncers getting a bad name. Example was in Gatecrasher a few weeks ago, a girl was beating this other girl senseless.. The bouncer stepped in and had to grab her to protect the other girl. She then kicked off saying he was sexually harrassing her. THATS the sort of people who p*ss me off!

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